Park History
Current Situation
Now 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1776

July 4, 1776
Declaration of Independence

December 15, 1791
First Amendment, U.S. Constitution

John Adams' "White House Prayer," Wisdom and Honesty

Thomas Jefferson and Lafayette Park

Chief Seattle's Message

April 19, 1913
"Lafayette Square," Evening Star

January 27, 1917
"White House Pickets," Washington Star

April 21, 1924
"History of Lafayette Square," Washington Star

May 29, 1938
"Peace Pickets," Sunday Star

May 14, 1941
"Picketing Goes On As White House Aide Disperses Soldiers," Washington Star

June 22, 1941
"White House Pickets Stop At 1,029 Hours," Washington Post

Albert Einstein on Nuclear Weapons

December 10, 1948
United Nations "Universal Declaration of Human Rights"

Terminiello v. Chicago re "Free Speech"

March 15, 1953
"Bill in House Asks Ban on White House Picketing," Washington Star

July 14, 1954
"Morse Stops White House Picket Bill," Washington Post

July 15, 1954
"On New Move to Ban White House Pickets," Washington Star

October 17, 1963
"Picketing of the White House," Washington Post

March 21, 1965
"Snow Drifts," Washington Star

April 3, 1966
"Camping Near White House," AP Wirephoto

Brown v. Louisiana

April 4, 1966
"Tenting in the Park," AP Wirephoto

May, 1972
"Journey for Peace," AP Wire

June 2, 1972
"Quaker Vigil is One Year Old," Washington Star

October 27, 1973
"Pickets at White House," Star News

October, 1973
"US Fails in Move to Curb Protesters," Washington Post

"All the President's Men," by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, Chapter 13, pp. 262-5

May 11, 1976
Abney vs. USA, Sleep is Expressive Conduct

1982 - 1983 - 1984
1985 - 1990 - 1995
1981 - pre-81 - Now

January 20, 1981
Ronald Reagan, 1981- Inaugural Address

1981-85 - Reagan and Peace Park

June 3, 1981
Manifesto of Independence

June 16, 1981
Secret Service Report

August 27, 1981
Boston Globe

November 11, 1981
Federal Register / Vol 46, No 219

November 27, 1981
Baltimore Sun

Thomas' Declaration of Purpose

Park Police Case Incident Report

December 16, 1981
A Student's Perspective

December 26, 1981
Washington Post

Thomas' Statement

1981 - 1983 - 1984
1985 - 1990 - 1995
1981 - pre-81 - Now

March 15, 1982
Washington Legal Foundation

June 2, 1982
Remarks... upon President Reagan's Departure for Europe

June 4, 1982
United States Department of the lnterior-Letter

National Capital Parks Regulations; Camping

June 5, 1982
Thomas...truth to be self-evident...

June 8, 1982
ACLU Newsletter

Ronald Reagan,Address

June 21, 1982
Hunger Strike

September 16, 1982
Transcript - USA v. Thomas

October 12, 1982
Patient Protesters Call Sidewalk Home

December 6, 1982
United States Department of the Interior

December 8, 1982
Norman Mayer at Washington Monument

December 14, 1982
Handling of Siege Pleases Police

December 19, 1982
Nuclear Foe, Eccentric Idealist Was Victim of Unyielding Will

Norman David Mayer - A Life of Wandering

December 21, 1982
Mayer's Death

December 26, 1982
Police Gun Down Anti-nuke Protester at Monument

1981 - 1982 - 1984
1985 - 1990 - 1995
1981 - pre-81 - Now

January 13, 1983
James Watt Memo

March, 1983
Bob Dorrough Arrived

March 10, 1983
Defacing the White House

March 11, 1983
Fire Incident

March 13, 1983
Sympathizers... continue their anti-nuclear vigil

April 18, 1983
White House Sidewalk

May 5, 1983
Judge Lifts White House Picket Rules

June 6, 1983
The Executive Mansion's Permanent Adornment

July 4, 1983
White House Protesters Win Round

July 26, 1983
Public Defenders Memo

1981 - 1982 - 1983
1985 - 1990 - 1995
1981 - pre-81 - Now

January 15, 1984
State of the Union

February 16, 1984
Affidavit of Concepcion

March 20, 1984
The Free Sleep Case

April 13, 1984
Resignation of Ellen Benjamin

April 17, 1984
Letter to President Reagan

April 26, 1984
Sign Rules Overturned

June 7, 1984
Protester assaults police

June 8, 1984
Letter to U.S. Park Police

Letter to Officer Haynes

June 16, 1984
Police Bash White House Protesters and their Signs

June 17, 1984
Protesters Battle to Stay in Capital Park

June 18, 1984
Letter to DOI Secretary

June 22, 1984
Reagan warns about protesters

June 24, 1984
Protesters Arrested in Lafayette Park

Officials Destroy Protest Signs

Message From Jail

June 25, 1984
Philosophy in the Park

June 28, 1984
Ellen Thomas Arrested

July 1, 1984
Peace Protesters Brutalized

July 5, 1999 Masty Satire, Washington Times July 10, 1984
Sleep and Protest

July 11, 1984
Letter to DOI

July 21, 1984
Letter to DOI

August 8, 1984
Signs Taking Root in Lafayette Park

September 3, 1984
White House Watch

September 7, 1984
Lafayette Park: Not Just Another Pretty Postcard

September 18, 1984
Letter to DOI

September 19, 1984
Free UJC

September 23, 1984
Reagan's Ill-Fated D.C. Drive Opens

October 4, 1984
District of Columbia Board of Mental Health

October 8, 1984
Seedy Plans for Lafayette Park

October 11, 1984
Surveillance of the White House

October 27, 1984
White House Demonstration Rules Upheld

October 31, 1984
Good taste and free speech

November 3, 1984
Protesting According to the Rules

Initiative 17

December 14, 1984
Birth of a Street Person

December 15, 1984
Activist Convicted In Tree Climbing

December 22, 1984
Lafayette Park Belongs to the Dissenters


Now 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1776