Police Also Intervene To Prevent Trouble With Peace Group

Picketing for peace continued front of the White House today but it required police and executive intervention last night to avert trouble right on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Following the pattern of the week end. When uninformed service men several times heckled and brawled with the American Peace Mobilization pickets, a group of soldiers, sailors and marines gathered in Lafayette Park last night apparently with similar intention.


On this occasion, however, they were halted by Lt. Col. Horace B. Smith, White House military aide, who cam across the Avenue to remind the men they were wearing uniforms of the United States armed services and that they must not be party to disorder.

Although the group dispersed temporarily a later gathering brought a detail of local police under command of Inspector Howard Kelly. After Inspector Kelly had urged the service men to let the pickets "wear out their shoe leather." Col. Smith returned to assist in dissuading the crowd from further demonstrations.

One dissenting solider was taken into custody by Col. Smith and later turned over to military Authorities at Fort Myer.


Attaches of the Dies Committee on Un-American Activities revealed today a special subcommittee would begin a public investigation of the peace organization next Wednesday.

First witness it was said, would be committee investigators who have made a check on the organization and its membership.

The investigating subcommittee will be Representatives Starnes of Alabama and Voorhis of California Democrats, and Mason, Republican, of Illinois.

White House police took into custody a uniformed marine shortly after noon today after he had broken a lantern carried by one of the Peace Mobilization picket. The Marine gave his name as Andrew Tomaszky. He said he was stationed at Paris Island, S.C.

A delegation from the picketing organization yesterday called upon Maj. Gen. Edwin M. Watson secretary to the President, to protest their week end treatment at the hands of service men.

The Rev. Owen A. Knox. chairman of the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties, appealed to Police Inspector James E. Becket for adequate police protection for the pickets. in a letter received at headquarters today. Mr. Knox asked that there "be no repetition of vigilante violence such as that which occurred last night."