Washington Post,
July 14, 1954



The House-passed bill to prohibit picketing of the White House was stopped cold in a Senate District Subcommittee yesterday by Sen. Wayne Morse (Ind-Oreg.), who said it would infringe rights of free speech and petition.

Morse, holding the proxy of Sen. Matthew M. Neely (D-W.Va.), voted down subcommittee Chairman Sam W. Reynolds (R-Nebr.), who said demonstrations like those for the Rosenbergs were not legitimate picketing but "akin to anarchy and just a step from rebellion."

The full committee could take the measure from its subcommittee and send it to the floor, but it seemed unlikely the Senate in its adjournment rush would spare the time Morse and others would want to discuss it.

The bill was sponsored in the house by Rep. Brady Gentry (D-Tex), a first-termer who said one of the first sights to greet him in Washington in January, 1953, was the crowd of picketers asking presidential clemency for the convicted atom spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.