-- The following pages are in the development stages. The goal is to define the most pressing problems and wisest possible solutions facing our society. We don't want to topple governments or make new laws. We want to establish workable and humane standards for a government of principles to replace our current government of ever-more-restrictive laws. Your input is needed. Here is a place to plant good seeds. --Constitutional Convention

In the beginning might made "right." As humans began living in tribes and villages, through "law" they sought to create mechanisms to balance the liberty of the individual -- and groups of individuals acting in concert to further a common vested interest -- against the welfare and security of all. The progress of civilization has been marked by the evolution of equitable law, and those periods of history during which humanity reverted to the rule of force are seen as barbarous.

Law is nothing more than what a given society may imagine at any given time. When a critical social mass believes sufficiently that anything should be the "law," that agreed-upon belief becomes the "law." Experience shows, however, that majorities are often prone to support -- actively or passively -- law rooted in force rather than equality. "Civilization" is governed by "law;" but chaos may also be governed by "law." In its chaotic history humanity has imagined law to justify a death penalty for expressing the belief that the earth revolves around the sun. (See, Giordano Bruno.) Jesus too was sentenced to death for violating a law which criminalized the content or expression of his beliefs. (See, John, 18:31.)

For two hundred-odd years now, not as long as the Roman Empire, but longer than the Third Reich, the United States has theoretically been ruled by a constitution. School children often believe this document was, if not divinely inspired, at least a giant stride toward a more perfect union. Whatever the origins of the Constitution, it is old. Thomas Jefferson claimed, "to imagine law should remain immutable, is to expect that a man will wear still the clothes he wore as a boy."

Even assuming God inspired the Constitution, many feel it has become, if not a convoluted instrument of oppression, a simple anachronism. Modern communications technology has eliminated the necessity of "representative" middle-men. Given a growing perception that corruption, confusion and/or incompetence have become the rule, and in the hope of salvaging civilization from well-intentioned authoritarian chaos, the Constitutional Convention Colloquy * seeks to build a government which governs least.

If you are interested in participating in forming a new, improved Constitution which fits our times, let us hear from you. E-mail -- subject "CCC"

* "Colloquy: mutual discourse; esp., a somewhat formal conference." Websters Collegiate Dictionary