In order to get the United States of America into the governmental system the founding fathers desired it to be, the three branches of government must fulfill their oaths to protect the Constitutional from foreign and domestic enemies. My study of the Bill of Rights, Constitution, Declaration of Independence and US history, and by comparing it to the running of the government, I find this nation has never fulfilling the spirit of those documents. For that cause I am writing this open letter to all three governmental branches which will give this nation integrity. I am also requesting an audience with all three branches together to show you just how far this nation is away from the spirit of those governing laws.
Legislators, Administrators and Judicial Government Officials,
Greetings from the interpreting prophet, Elijah Alfred "NatureBoy" Alexander, Junior, who is willing to direct this country, as the nation all other nations look up to for leadership, in the way to bring forth world peace. I have spent the most of three years in Washington Square Park of New York City reading the inscription on the Washington Monument almost daily. It reads; "let us raise a standard only the wise and honest can repair, the event is in the hand of god”. Wisdom does not come cheep, it requires one to relinquish all attachments, break all rules of tradition, explore the unknown and observe, participate and reason objectively. For more than 32 years I have roamed North America doing just that, and I feel I am the one George Washington foresaw.
To read Amendment 12 of the Constitution one will find the possibility of fifty different presidential and fifty vice presidential nominees for every presidential election. Recognizing it does not require each state to nominate one peson for each of the two parties, possibly 100 for president and 100 for vise per election, it is obvious the party system is not constitutional and should be abolished. Then Article 2, whence it was amended, section 3 suggests the president is to "take Care that the Laws are faithfully executed, which is not being done. In all honesty, the Executive branch have continually walked on the laws established to govern this nation by.
The party system is the major cause of the nation being in its present financial condition. Elected official and nominated Justice for all three sections of government, Legislative, Administrative and Judicial, are concerned about the wishes of their perspective parties, not the people in general. In most cases party leaders have large amounts of money at their disposal setting agendas to protect their money at all cost, and buy most congressman not Skulls and Crossbones. The Supreme Court Rules indicate the court is more concerned about the form of the presentation rather than the injustices done to the people. The presidents are concerned about not being forced to discarnate because they disobeyed the Skulls and Crossbones [they all have to become a member of to get the nomination for either of the major parties], "House of Rolthschild" and/or "Builderburg Group" who ditates their duties.
It is virtually impossible for a low financial, struggling to make ends meet, citizen to obtain positions of leadership and provide stability, equality and unity of the people in governing positions which would equally distribute the nation's wealth. Therefore, requiring the government to live by the Declaration of Independence (DI) and U.S. Constitution (USC) is necessary to stabilize this nation for all citizens.
Having the nation governed by those laws is the most important factors in getting the country's economy on track. Those documents contain statements, such as "...all man are created equal..." and "...unalienable rights..." in the DI, and "in order to...establish justice..." in the USC. According to their true definition, they will direct this nation into becoming the united nation its name suggests and the world's leading peace advocate. [Since the usual definition for "justice" appears to be so vague, it should be defined as "entitlement for actions or performance".]
Man have "inalienable rights" to self-government which provides all man the same rights towards life requirements, whether living in or out of civilization. [Civilization is defined as man being dependent on other man to provide them goods over and beyond survival needs.] Civilizations have established this life where we depend on others to supply us with necessities we were deceived into recognizing as needs, which would be unnecessary if we lived in nature, so those created needs the nations must now provide for their citizens.
To resolve the national situation while keeping all man on equal ground is to eliminate the use and existence of money and establish a culture where all are required to serve the nation or live by nature like the other species. Man in mass are not willing to live in nature, they would rather perform their choice of a duty necessary to keep them from being self responsible in nature. Such system would bring equality to every man. Except for the necessities to maintain the working of the state the president would not get anything more than other citizens, street sweepers, garbage man, lawmakers, judges, factory workers, independent contractors, teachers, students, housewives or dependent children [to reestablish the failing family unit], naming some of the duties.
Although this nation was established on the Declaration of Independence and Constitution it has never conformed to their doctrines. Reestablishing the nation as it was initially meant to be governed and our system will correct itself thereby.
Should this nation’s leaders follow the requirement of our founding documents; the predicament this nation was pushed into during the leadership of the forty third president will go away. That president, or his governors, wants this world to enter a dictatorship and intentionally sought to “bankrupt” this nation to become the controller of the only nuclear weapons in the world and become the dictator(s). [In Zechariah 5:1-4 the flying roll is ICBM, the power to destroy timber and stone is nuclear, and only the producer has it.] Had he been successful the world would have become like 1930s Germany, but the plan was only to get the world into the state for Obama The Savior to implement the Patriot Act ushering in the New World Order to take the world into that final state. Now the choice is will the world accept the enslaving NWO or the liberating one outlined below.
The Prophet Elijah

The stature in the park on Massachusetts Avenue, between Tenth and Eleventh Streets, in Washington, DC, US of A are the words, I suppose, are spoken by Samuel Gumpers. I quote them here because it is the essence of Democracy.
So long as we have held fast to voluntary principles and have been actuated and inspired by the spirit of service, we have sustained our forward progress and we have made our labor movement something to be respected and accorded a place in the council of our Republic, where we have blundered into trying to force a policy or a decision, even though wise and right, we have impeded, if not interrupted the realization of our aims.
No lasting gain has ever come from compulsion if we seek force, we but tear apart that which, united, is invincible. There is no way whereby our labor movement may be assured sustained progress in determining its policies and plans other than, sincere Democratic deliberation until a unanimous decision is reached, this may seem cumbrous, slow method to the impatient but the impatient are more concerned for immediate triumph than for the education of constructive development.
According to the US Constitution (Amendment 1) religion (church, which means persons called out of the state or set apart from the state) are to have the immunity of a Public Ministers because the people, through their representatives, can not make laws as pertaining to them. However, church will be man living a "natural-life", they will only require from the states the use of the lands (when there), food enough for a single meal from anywhere it grows and only for the gatherer (except when a girl has a child too small to gather for itself) and water. Anything the state, or individuals of the state, want church to have the state or individuals must provide it for them when they enter their area. Also, all legal actions taken against church will have to be tried by the US Supreme Court (Art. III, Sec. 2, 2), or the supreme court of the state in which the infraction of the law occurred after permission form the National Supreme Court, since all state constitutions and laws are to be carbon copies of the nation's. Because church have no inheritance in organized government they will be "Nomads" and only spend short periods of time in any one place (how long is a short period of time has to be determined). By being nomads, as outlined in this paragraph, church are "pure" democracy and communist.
The U. S. Constitution, The Supreme Law!
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The Preamble's Meaning
You will notice the Preamble begins with "We The People of the United States" without stating any specific ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, handicapped or social class, only We The People. That indicates any person born in these "union of states" or living in it is included among those the document is representative of. That would have eliminated the enslavement of the children born to slaves and included any migrants seeking to become a citizen.
It goes on to say, "in Order to form a more prefect Union." In perfecting a union the government must be undivided when it comes to governing, they may have different opinions but will not allow those opinions to sway them from implementing the law as written or shall be written. It allows for no classes of any kind, no ethnics, no genders nor any religion where the laws are concerned, applications should only require people to identify whether they are or are not citizens, and it prohibits political parties.
"Establish Justice". In perfecting the union even those in charge of governing are not given immunity to violate the laws which includes, the Administrators, Judiciary, Legislators, oversight departments and law enforcement, they are subjected to the same administration of justice as the common people because they were chosen or hired from and do remain as common people. We must remember the government is "of the people, for the people and by the people" of the United States of America which does not change then because of being in office.
To "ensure domestic Tranquility" there can not be bullies, wage discrimination, ethnic profiling, classes, prohibition of religious practices so long as they do not impose their beliefs on others although they may discuss theirs with people interested in understanding them and/or in bridging the differences but no ridiculing people for sexual orientation nor with threats of hell.
To "provide for the common defence" means defending the people using the law enforcers and judiciary system while the land is defended by the military. When there is one judiciary and policing standard for some ethnics and/or genders and another for the ethnic and/or gender calling them "the ruling class" the defence is not common. When the environment is not being protected from "genetically modifying" (GM) plants or animals, molesting or horrendously caging animals for monetary gain and altering the normal ecological state because of man's greed and ignorance, the people nor land are defended.
How can a nation "promote the general welfare" when it allows some people to earn more than 1000 times that of another? When the general welfare is promoted there should be little to no differences in the income of the people. As a matter of fact, the way of the tribal people, prior to the Europeans bringing their culture to the land they renamed "the Americas," is the only way to provide for the general welfare of the people. So long as anyone did whatever they could to maintain the whole community they obtained whatever they needed in the form of food, water and shelter, one's primary needs. In this industrial nation they are required to have the same access to anything anyone else has access to.
To "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" has two sides, to live under the governing system and to live independent of the governing system. Again referring to the tribal natives of this land, anytime anyone refused to do their part in maintaining the whole they were sent out of the community to fend for themselves, their wives or husbands were permitted to leave or stay and would often times form another community. However, because of the structure of this nation, those refusing to live under the government would be required to be nomads with a maximum of time allowed to remain in any location with in the nation's territory.
The Articles, Amendments and Their Purposes
The Articles of the Constitution are written to provide the means of securing the above standards. It includes electing the officials, their requirements, their duties including things not to be done, and causes for eliminating Presidents and officials. It also determines how many witnesses are required to punish for treason, the supremacy of the document as the standard for all federal laws, treaties and state laws. The Amendments are for changes to ensure the Preamble is properly implemented.
The Amendments are written to eliminate any concepts taking away from the intent of the Preamble (Article 6) and/or to provide a clearer interpretation of the foregoing Articles or previous Amendments.
The Elections
Because of the previous statement we must first see Amendment 24 requires the people of every state to elect Electors. Their purpose is finding people from other states (Article 1.2.2 Representatives & 1.3.3 Senators) to be elected by the people as representatives for their state. Electors will also find all candidates from separate states with only one or the other from their own state for president and vice candidates.
For legislators, the Electors will bring such candidates to the citizens of their states for interrogation by The People as to how well they comprehend the Constitution, its purpose and their willingness to ensure it is followed to the letter. The People will then use the ballot and elect one. If there is a tie a second election will be held but when one is a clear winner there will not be a second election because to "form a more prefect Union" parties are prohibited and is why there are second elections for legislators today. (An Amendment is needed to reduce Senator's terms to two each and Representatives are not allowed to serve any more than six terms before returning to live the laws they have passed.)
The Administrators' elections still have We The People electing Electors who present the candidates to their state's people for interrogation concerning their knowledge of the Constitution and how willing they are to ensure the laws be faithfully executed (Article 2.3). As established by Amendment 12, the Presidents and Vices will be elected on distinct [separate] ballots and certified to congress for a recount. (It is not written but congress will then notify every resident who the as many as 50 president and vice candidates are to give The People time to interrogate those not chosen to represent their state for the general election. Also not written is there will be another election if a tie is more than three.)
Eliminating Corruption In Office
Although written in Article 2.4, the presidential article, what holds true for Presidents holds true for Legislators and Judiciary officials as we can see it applies to all sectors of government.
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Therefore, presidents, congressman, justices, AG, AMA, CDC, CIA, FBI, FDA and any other oversight personnel protecting the people from criminal activities of others in or out of the government failing to protect the Constitution DEMANDS their removal from office without compensation of any kind as they are themselves criminals in violation of protecting the constitution.
We The People of the United States of America have the U. S. Constitution as the supreme law of this nation, therefore we must insist (per Amendment 10) that the governing officials of this nation will see that it is followed accordingly since they are our trustees (Article 6.3) who have taken an oath saying they will protect, and therefore implement, the constitution as written, thus, giving the people the authority to remove them from office without compensation for Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors which we see they have committed, including failing to maintain their oath of office as the only way of protecting The People's "national security interests."
Notice of Impeachment
I, Elijah Alfred Alexander, Junior, prophet of the living god of Israel and a citizen born in the United States of America, by the authority of the U.S. Constitution and ordered by god to write this Notice of Impeachment of Barack H. Obama, president of the United States of America, for an act of Treason and for Perjury.
Source and Authority
Article 2.4 of the United States Constitution reads: "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors" and does not delegate impeaching to the United States nor prohibit it to the states.
Article 3.1 of the United States Constitution reads: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court" and the undersigned signatures are from witnesses to the following acts of treason and perjury.
Amendment 10 of the United States Constitution reads "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people" and Article 2.4 does not delegate impeaching to the United States nor prohibit it to the states that are following the federal government's traditions, therefore it is reserved to We The People willing to do it.
The Infractions
For about a week after September 11, 2001 all national news services replayed the video recording of the second aluminum aircraft's entering tower two of the World Trade Center that left its imprint in the steal and concrete walls then exited the other side of the building and disappeared in thin air without leaving any trace of the aircraft falling to the earth below. The following is six (6) reasons.
1) As an ex-US Air Force Defense Command aircraft mechanic who took and never repealed his oath to protect the U.S. Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic, I know armed crafts are on alert to force, or shoot down, any airline deviating from it's flight plan especially to the extent required accomplish 9/11/01's destruction.
2) There is no conceivable scenario in which soft aluminum is able to leave a gaping hole of its full imprint in steal and concrete while traversing at the speeds passenger aircrafts are capable of reaching; especially without leaving any trace or residue of aircraft wings and engines scattered around the impact nor exit the other side of the building to vanish in thin air.
3) There was nothing observed or reported of any aircraft that would have cause building 7 of the World Trade Center to exploded into flames which allegedly caused its sudden implosion.
4) There was a video on public domain (YouTube) of the craft that went into the Pentagon was initially available to the general public; I viewed this footage before it was removed and the craft clearly appeared to be a Scud Missile as proof of a False Flag.
5) Observers of the craft that entered the Pentagon confirm it was not a commercial aircraft.
6) All government workers have taken an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States of America and with presidents having the responsibility to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" (Article 2.3 of U.S.C) Barack H. Obama has committed the high crime, or felony, of perjury.
By those obvious discrepancies of the official investigation's report it is clear that George W Bush had to allow the False Flag operation, the current president (Barack H Obama) has put forth no effort to punish him and because it is the president's Constitutional responsibility (Article 2.3 of the U.S.C) to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" he is hereby impeached to live the remainder of his life on Death Row. Even if the former president Bush was not responsible for that treasonous act, Obama's perjury for failing to not protect the Constitution by presenting legislation to congress which takes job out of these United States of America he has committed an impeachable act.
In light of the foregoing We The undersigned People of the United States of America, in order to protect the United States and the Constitution form its Domestic Enemies, hereby ORDER the immediate Impeachment and arrest of Barack H. Obama to spend the remainder of his life confined to Death Row for ACTS OF TREASON. Done signed on this ___7___ day of ___July________ of the CE year of 2015 by
Elijah A. Alexander, Jr. and witnessed by
Bryan E. Vidal.
Elijah Alfred "NatureBoy" Alexander, Junior
3237 Hiatt Pl. NW Apt 401
Washington, DC 20010
May 7, 2016
Order For 9/11/2001, Governmental Treason
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch,
The Constitution's Preamble reads, "We The People of the United States, in order to form a more prefect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, provide for the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America:" but it has never been implemented as "the supreme Law of this land" as Article 6 reads it is since the government has never worked to produce the state the document intends this nation to be. That alone, because of the oath all officials have taken, makes everyone in government to have committed the "high crime" of perjury and for that reason the following provision is established.
The U.S. Constitution (USC) Article 1.2.5 require Representatives to Impeach and 1.3.6 Senators to try with the US Supreme Court Chief Justice to preside over Impeachment Trials. That constitutional procedure would be a conflict of interest since the obvious evidence, below, was well publicized and with no officials took action against the Bush Administration refuting the "Official 9/11/01 Report" they have committed treason. Therefore, by the authority Amendment 10 provides, the responsibility of Impeaching and trying the people in the named positions below rests with the Department of Justice with its new Attorney General and whichever remaining Supreme Court Justices will filling the Chief Justice's position shall preside over it. They, the Court and DOJ, will also be required to choose and elect someone they feel will ensure the constitution is "faithfully executed" (Article 2.3) since no Constitutional provision was established for this particular governmental scenario.
About Me
I am Elijah Alfred Alexander, Junior, a prophet of I AM THAT I AM, born to citizens of and in the United States of America who by the authority of the USC's Amendment 10 and ordered by the above named god has written this Notice of Governmental Treason by officials of these United States of America (USA). I sent on a notarized Notice of Impeachment July 7, 2015 that was received by post mail in the United States Attorney General's (AG) receiving office on July 10, 2015 and an amended version faxed on March 9, 2016 but no action has been taken makes that department of the DOJ - can be excused for following tradition - and anyone refusing to send this email to the AG have committed Treason for not taking action to punish the 9/11 Administration. I am who George Washington was referred to when he said "let us raise a standard only the wise and honest can repair, the event is in the hands of god" since there have never been a leader in this nation wise enough even to implement the constitution must less to correct the nation's corruption by using it.
Source and Authority
Article 3, section 3 and paragraph 1 (3.3.1) of the USC reads, "Treason against the United States consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt act, or on Confession in open Court."
of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
Amendment 10 of the USC reads "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Those laws reveal how the entire United States, especially the government because of their oaths, has committed treason for not demanding a through investigation of the infractions by many department heads and vices and the Bush Administration due to the events of September 11, 2001 (9/11). Amendment 10 shows it also fall upon the states and people to protect this nation, so as a person of these USA I am taking my responsibility of ensuring the "Supreme Law" is being upheld by the government by giving this notice to the Department of Justice, with its relatively new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch who has said "there are no to big to fail or to big to jail" corporations or people including governmental officials to fulfill the Justice Department's duty because of the following 9/11 infractions.
The Infractions
For a about a week after 9/11 many national news services replayed video recordings of what appeared as aluminum aircraft entering tower two (2) of the World Trade Center that left its full imprint in the concrete and steel walls, pulverized the concrete and melted the steel before the nose exited the building without denting itself and disappeared in the air without leaving any trace of aircrafts falling to the earth below. The following is some reasons I, as an ex-US Air force Defense Command Aircraft Aircraft mechanic who never repealed his oath to protect the United States and USC from enemies foreign and domestic, recognize.
1) Armed fighter aircrafts are always on alert to force or shoot down any airline deviating from its flight plan to the extent required to accomplish 9/11's destruction that the government said its intelligence had reported some form of terrorism was to be performed at an unknown time against the USA by foreign entities or entity using aircrafts but president Bush neglected to place all Air Defense Command (ADC) aircrafts to on continued alert until such time the nation was assured the report was false earning him as the Commander in Chief dereliction of duty and Treason.
2) There are no scenarios allowing soft aluminum aircrafts to leave a hole of its full imprint in steal and concrete, leave no trace of aircraft wings and engines scattered on the ground near the impact area nor exit the other side of the building to vanish in the air without being dented as at least one video indicated.
3) A full load of burning aviation fuel in aircrafts - if aircrafts - are not hot enough to cause concrete to pulverize or steal to melt even at the impact point, not to mention the floors above and below supposing to have caused the implosion preventing the leaning top of building 2 from falling and damaging other buildings or to make both towers and building 7 fall so rapidly since even wooden buildings usually takes a much longer time to fall and will not fall as completely.
4) Nothing was observed or reported to cause building 7 of the Trade Center Complex to explode into flames and implode.
5) There was no inspection of the rubble determining the cause of the implosions that was hurriedly removed by a waiting contractor.
6) No contents of the 'Black Boxes' was ever released and no pieces of aircraft wreckage from any of the damaged causing crafts were ever revealed.
7) There was a video on YouTube's public domain available to the general public showing the craft going into the Pentagon that I viewed that indicated the craft was a Scud Missile.
8) Observers of the craft hitting the Pentagon said what they saw was not a commercial aircraft and the video confirmed it, at least to me.
9) The supposed aircraft type responsible for the Pentagon's damage have engines hanging from their wings that, even with a Scud's Terrain Following Technology, would have scraped the ground and sucked objects into their engines and explode them if it flew at impact level.
10) There were no wing parts; engines or Black Boxes left at the Pentagon to substantiate it as an aircraft.
11) The one piece of aluminum found at the Pentagon was not of a type known to be on any commercial airliner and with the building's walls being six feet of steel reinforced concrete it would have prohibited the engines, fuselage and wings from penetrating it and disappearing completely.
12) There was no evidence of people, luggage or anything else from the damage causing crafts found in any area suggesting they carried people.
13) The foregoing evidence suggests the supposed training exercise was governmentally implemented to eliminate the passenger crafts - except the one which left debris over a ten (10) square mile area in Pennsylvania - so no traces of the aircrafts could ever found and more than likely they were destroyed over the Atlantic Ocean for that reason.
Who to Initially Charge
Amendment 10 require all governmental worker could be charged but sense the Administration, per Article 2.3, including department heads have the responsibility to "ensure the laws be faithfully executed" but sense the government has established a policy prohibiting subordinates from challenging supervisors immediate charges are to be on ex-president George W. Bush, his cabinet and vice president (VP), Barack H. Obama and his cabinet and VP, all sitting and retired congressman including those elected post 9/11 for not investigating the "cover-up" report, the five (5) sitting and three (3) retired Supreme Court Justices - the remaining three are needed to assist the DOJ to purge the government - all security and intelligence department (CIA, FBI, NSA and any others) heads and vices retired or sitting since 9/11 and Attorney Generals and vices prior to the sitting one are to be charged with treason for protecting George W. Bush and his cabinet. They are to be arrested, retained in the nearest federal prison facility, Passports be taken, charged and may post $2,100,000 cash bond. Other charges will be filed as further investigations reveals others who knew about it and everyone known to be responsible for the acts since the Uniform Code of Military Justice, section 90, suggests obedient of "an unlawful order" can be punished by Court Marshal.
In protecting these United States and USC form its domestic enemies and because of the foregoing it is ORDERED that everyone in the above named positioned who would have inside information or should have demanded a more complete investigation of 9/11 are to be arrested and charged with TREASON; all who are still in governmental positions are to be removed without pay and any retirees' pay shall be stopped until and if they are able to prove themselves not guilty and are ORDERED to spend the remainder of their lives on Death Row since the "death penalty" has been eliminated from federal punishing.
How To Constitutionally Control The U.S. Government
George W. Bush stated "this is a nation of laws and the laws must be obeyed" yet he neglected his duty and September 11, 2001 (9/11) that turned into treason since at least one intelligence group said they had informed the Administration that an attack against the United States would happen using aircrafts. Believed or not the Administration should have keep all Air Defense Command (ADC) fighters on permanent alert until it proved to be false or true and by not doing it he violated Article 3, section 3 (3.3) of the US Constitution (USC) by establishing a training mission, which, by knowing of the threat it became "dereliction of duty" and into "treason" by the attack. Below are other things the official report neglected to address suggesting he was already aware of it and may have had an intelligence group to pretend to have heard it or had people in other countries to spread the roomer for intelligence to report it.
Everyone in all positions of government takes the oath to "protect the U.S. Constitution from enemies…" for presidents "…both foreign and domestic" by everyone else making the appearance that no one saw or pretended not to see the president's actions as Governmental Treason and sought to do nothing about it everyone in government are also. However, a policy has been established where subordinates are not to question their superiors which frees all none supervisory personnel from being charged with treason but all department heads, assistants and advisors are. No one can protect the Constitution without knowing what's in it and, as you can see in the following Articles and Amendment even U.S. citizens has the responsibility of eliminating governmental corruption.
The Preamble of the U.S. Constitution (USC) reads, "We The People of the United States, in order to form a more prefect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, provide for the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America:" and has never been implemented as "the supreme Law of this land" since Article 6 makes all governing officials "Public Trustees" of the people. That and their oath make every government official a committer of the "high crime" of perjury (Article 2.4). Thus, all government's department leaders should be impeached except the last three Supreme Court Justices and the new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, who were not in their positions during 9/11 and will be used to purge the government. Because Congress oversees the Administration and none in congress were constitutionally elected (Article 1.2.2 Representatives and 1.3.3 Senators) the new ones are also guilty. So We The People need only to witness this to the U.S. Attorney General and the Supreme Court and if they fail to tale action they also become guilty of Treason.
USC Article 2.4 reads: "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
USC Article 3.3.1 reads, "Treason against the United States consist only in levying War against them [the USA], or in adhering to their enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt act, or on Confession in open Court."
USC Amendment 10 reads "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
USC Article 1.2.5 require Representatives to Impeach and 1.3.6 Senators to try with the US Supreme Court Chief Justice presiding over Impeachment Trials. That constitutional procedure would be a conflict of interest since the obvious evidence below was well publicized and none of those officials took action against the Bush Administration to refute the "Official 9/11 Report" so they are guilty. By the authority of Amendment 25 the responsibility of Impeaching and trying the officials in all positions is bestowed on the Department of Justice's new Attorney General and a remaining Supreme Court Justices, the one filling the Chief Justice's position will preside over the trial. They, the Supreme Court and DOJ, will be required to appoint someone they see will ensure the constitution is "faithfully executed" (Article 2.3) since no Constitutional provision was established for this particular governmental scenario.
Obvious 9/11 Report Contradictions
For about a week after 9/11 many national news services replayed video recordings of what appeared as an aluminum aircraft entering tower two of the World Trade Center that left its full imprint in the concrete and steel walls, pulverized the concrete and melted the steel with the nose exiting the building without denting itself to disappear in the air without leaving any trace of aircraft on the streets below. The following are reasons I, an ex-U.S. Air Force ADC aircraft mechanic who never repealed his oath to protect the United States and USC from enemies foreign and domestic, recognize were ignored in the "official 'cover-up' report."
1) Armed fighter aircrafts are always on alert to force or shoot down any airline deviating from its flight plan to the extent required to accomplish 9/11's destruction governmental intelligence had reported would at an unknown time be performed against the USA by foreign entities or entity using aircrafts and president Bush neglected to place all ADC aircrafts on continued alert until such time the nation was assured the report was false has earns him, as the Commander in Chief, dereliction of duty turned Treason.
2) There are no scenarios allowing soft aluminum aircrafts to leave its full imprint in steal and concrete, leave no trace of any aircraft's wings and engines scattered on the ground near the impact area nor exit the building to vanish in the air without being dented as one video indicated.
3) A load of aviation fuel in tanker aircrafts does not burn hot enough to cause concrete to pulverize or steal to melt at the impact point, not to mention the floors above that supposedly caused the implosion preventing the leaning top of building two from falling and damaging other buildings, nor below that caused both towers and building seven to fall extremely rapid when wooden buildings usually take a much longer time to fall and do not fall so completely.
4) Nothing was observed or reported to cause building seven of the Trade Center Complex to explode into flames and implode.
5) The Trade Center's rubble was never inspected to determine the cause of the implosions but was hurriedly removed by a contractor.
6) The content of the 'Black Boxes' was never released, no pieces of aircraft wreckage from any damaged causing crafts were ever revealed and no bodies or luggage from passenger crafts was found.
7) There was a video on YouTube's public domain available to the general public showing the craft going into the Pentagon I viewed, indicated the craft was a Scud Missile.
8) Observers of the craft hitting the Pentagon said what they saw was not a commercial aircraft and the video confirmed it to me.
9) The craft type supposedly responsible for the Pentagon's damage have engines hanging from their wings that, even with a Scud's Terrain Following Technology, would have scraped the ground and sucked objects into their engines exploding them flying at impact level of approximately six feet above ground.
10) There were no wing parts, engines, people, luggage or Black Boxes left at the Pentagon to substantiate it as an aircraft.
11) The hole in the Pentagon was far to small to hide wings and engines allowing only the piece of aluminum found which was not of a type known to be on any commercial airliner.
12) The Pentagon's walls are six feet of steel reinforced concrete and would have prohibited the engines, fuselage and wings from penetrating it and disappearing completely.
13) There was no evidence of people, luggage or anything else from the damage causing crafts found in any area to suggest they carried people making the evidence to suggest the training exercise was governmentally implemented to eliminate the passenger crafts - except the one which left debris over a ten square mile area in Pennsylvania - so no traces could be found and, more than likely, they were destroyed over the Atlantic Ocean for that reason.
How We The People Can Take Control
With the United States of America as a nation of laws to "be obeyed" by the governing administration responsible for protecting every aspect of this nation from governmental corruption, the people's corruption and foreign enemies We The People must overthrow our "Trustees" since on 9/11 the U.S. government became the nation's enemy by choosing to kill some of its citizens in order to create an enemy to war against. The time is now to overthrow this government who performed similar treasonous acts to enter WW2 and Vietnam. The time is now and the foregoing shows by witnessing any of the above contradictions by their numbers you see as acts of governmental Treason in this as a petition to the DOJ you are witnessing the "Notice of Impeachment" the author has already sent and the document establishing "Treason by the US Government" has shown the proper use of the Constitution to eliminate governmental treason.
The Constitution's Law
It must be understood that the Preamble and "Treason" (Article 3.3) are the Constitution's law for governing the United States' people by, they and the rest of it is primarily to governs how the government governs the people, their duties and how to elect them.
The Preamble of the U.S. Constitution begins with "We The People" so how do we determine who We The People are since the "Supreme Law of the Land" (Article 6.2) states that "anything in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding"? That statement has a double meaning not recognized by most scholars, it's saying anything contrary in Nation's Constitution or any state constitution or law is already invalidated which includes other means of governing. Thus, where the Constitution considers some people "three fifths of a person" (Article 1.2.3) and allows "involuntary servants" and "slaves" (Amendment 13) is invalid terms. The Preamble's say We The People are to "form a more prefect Union [of people without classes and secret societies and governments without political parties], establish Justice [for all people equally], ensure domestic Tranquility [equally for all people], provide for the common defence [of land and people], provide for the general Welfare [for all people herein], and secure the Blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our [all people's] Posterity" and, thereby, require them being amended out. Thus, "We The People" means anyone born in the portion of this land not delegated to the Native Inhabitants without reference to gender, ethnic, national origin or any other statuses.
Article 6.3 says all government workers are people of "public trust" [people CHOSEN and ELECTED by "The People" to their positions] and Amendment 10 gives We The People impeachment rights (Article 2.4) over "ALL Trustees" who commits even a misdemeanor which require the Presidents and Congress to live by the same standard the majority of people live by while in office and after leaving it. They are not to have a lifetime of "People Provided" income but work in some occupation or private protection other than by sheriffs and police like all other people are upon leaving office [only presidents and vices should have extra protection while in office]. As a matter of fact, the Preamble's domestic Tranquility clause and Article 1.9.8 actually prohibit using the titles of Mr., Miss, Mrs., Ma'am or Sir because they are titles brought to this nation by its English founders from the English "class system" where the lowest class could not use them with each other but were required to use it to "Lords who used them to Knights and above who used them to Kings, their wives and ladies in waiting." That is why George Washington said "let us raise a standard only the wise and honest can repair, the event is in the hands of god" after reading the document, he knew they were "supplanting" descendants of Jacob and not honest nor wise enough to put it in place, nor has it been implemented yet in the CE year 2016.
In Article 1.2.2 and 1.3.3 the Representatives and Senators, respectfully, are chosen by "Electors" chosen by The People who were citizens of another state and elected by The People because they are to represent of the nation's people and not the just people of the state they are elected to represent. According to the readings they are to be elected from every walk of life from homeless illiterates to all other scholarship titles. The senators and representatives are chosen to allow The People to question them concerning their knowledge of the constitution before voting them into office. [State senators and representatives are the voice of the states' citizens to the federal government - like the president and congress are spokesman to foreign nations - and there is the need for amending limiting federal congressman's terms to the president's maximum to give more people serving opportunities.]
The People elect all "Electors" but their duties are extremely muddled in uniting Article 2.1.2 and Amendments 12, 23 and 24. Amendment 24 Provide for a "Primary Election" of presidents and vices and all I am able to glean from the Articles and Amendments is the Electors' duty is to choose president and vice candidates for their states (Amendment 12) so the people can elect one each as their state's candidates for the general election and certify the possible 51 of each [DC also per Amendment 23] to congress. It then becomes Congress' duty to notify the nation's every household of all candidates' and their qualifications for the general election where the nation's people vote their choice of them. Should during the primary election all states and DC elect both incumbent president and vice there will not be a November election. If there is a tie of 3 or less candidates Congress breaks the tie, thus, one must suppose if there is a tie of 4 or more there is to be a tie breaking General election. [There is no provision for PARTIES in the Constitution because "perfecting" the union of states and people eliminates them and the need for conventions.]
Making Laws
The Preamble's reading suggests man are to live the earth's "Ecological Law" but man no longer recognize that law for ourselves. If we did the only laws needing to be passed by congress would be budget, declaring war for acts by foreign nations [not Treason by our government], what "not good behavior" of judges constitutes (Article 3.1) and industry governing laws. Because man don't live the earth's "Ecology" law it is necessary to also pass laws protecting children and girls' to prevent boys and some girls from inappropriately imposing themselves on them. [Earth is a conglomeration of living entities consuming one another to maintain their and their specie's existence with each living entity having the birthright of self-governing the Blessings of Liberty reveals in the Preamble.]
Today's instant telecommunicating system makes it possible for every law congress pass to be presented to the people with enough time for them to vote a notification how their congressman are to vote since they ARE REQUIRED TO VOTE ACCORDING TO THEIR PEOPLE'S MAJORITY of the state they represent which makes the president's signature a constitutionally established formality. [The years of the US government have proven that our "trustees" are not worthy of passing laws without having the people to direct their every act in this FREE NATION.]
Elijah Alfred "NatureBoy" Alexander, Jr.
Next Section - Dedications