March 1999, Update

The continuing Quest of WALT ROOT.

Since Thanksgiving of 1996 the Quest for Peace has encountered many changes. From the beginning as five individuals set out from Washington DC, looking for solutions or maybe even some sanity in todays ever changing times. Our country, our world, our lives, all seem to be less than perfect, although we all make our own movie. All paths eventually lead to or thru the same place. As we approach a new millenium there's really no valid reason not to strive to create a world without war, poverty, disease or any other malady that represses the true wonderfulness of being alive.

The walk to the West Coast and back to Lafayette Park in Washington, DC, was for some, the beginning of that realization. Each step along the way, every encounter, brings a clearer picture of the potential of the human experience, should anyone wake up!!?!! 10,000 Drums was a wonderful afternoon in the park even though the numbers were a little short, there was an incredible amount of spirit present, as photos and good vibes went out all over the world. Now all that was needed was a chance to soak in all that had just completed.

Enter the "Vigil", referring to the Prop 1 White House Peace Vigil. Starting shortly after arriving in DC a good part of every day was spent manning "the signs" in Lafayette Park. Sitting across the street from the White House one gets to meet people from all over the world. It's an interesting study, demonstrations, government types, tourists, street people and of course the ever present police state. The amazing thing about this whole phenomonen is the number of people that support the premise of abolishing weapons of mass destruction. Each day is a new beginning and another possibility of obtaining the Peace everyone seeks.

One aspect of this whole experience is the undeniable presence of God. The Lord continues to provide all that is necessary to keep on believing. With all the minor miracles along the way on the walk, to all the appointments that have been scheduled into the day, it's next to impossible to believe that humanity can't solve all the problems it has created for itself. Possibly the most motivating event was an impulsive revival that happened one night in February. About twelve brothers were brought together one night to praise God, read scripture, sing hymns and give testimony. The effects were awesome, several people were overcome by the spirit and as we went our separate ways later, the city received a serious, but short baptism. The next day another step was taken, to extend the "God Zone" to include the whole park. So plans got under way for another revival in April. On the 3rd, the day before Easter, an open air revival will be held, "THE COMING TOGETHER OF THE BODY OF CHRIST", everyone is invited to come an lift up the Lord. We are all members of the body of Christ, it's time to reassemble and remove the evil and suffering from our world, never under estimate the power of prayer.

To prepare for the revival and get the word out, brother fred and i took on a pilgrimage to the different churches in the DC ares. Going to services, bible studies, prayer meetings as well as passing out flyers to people in the street. We even incorporated it into our rap as it pertained to the people or opportunities that arose while helping at the signs. The response was mixed with the more corporate congregations seeming to be a little less interested, but since it seems to be inspired by God, everything should work out.

After the revival, plans include a walk to the National Rainbow Gathering in Pennsylvania, leaving DC around the 1st of may, after attending a rally in Lafayette Park to close the school of the America's in georgia. The walk should reach the land for spring counsel, and then on to seed camp and an awesome time at home. On july 10th the walk will leave the woods to head back to Lafayette Park for another round of 10,000 Drums II on Labor Day 1999. Hope to see you all somewhere along the way, if freedom is to be saved we must unify our efforts to provide a tolerable existence for life on this planet. THINK PEACE !!!!!!! then ACT.