Proposition One
Once it is decided to rid the world of nuclear weapons, we are
faced with the hard question, "What would be the mechanics of
disarmament?" Nuclear weapons must be made illegal through
enforceable law.
In these times when ex-generals and admirals are describing nuclear weapons as "irrational," and international courts are branding the weapons "immoral," remember Proposition One. If nuclear weapons are immoral and irrational, Proposition One needs to be "the law." For not only does it outlaw nuclear weapons; it mandates that the people who are out of a job during the conversion process are guaranteed help.
"Why Not Create Good Law?"
It is said that law determines civilization. All too often law
protects property or ideology at the expense of life. In recent
years we have all observed how law can change for the worse,
regulations encroaching ever-more intimately on ordinary lives.
(See 1601 Pennsylvania Avenue Home Page for examples.)
Yet slavery, human sacrifice, and cannibalism have been
eliminated by law.
Humanity's law is topsy-turvy. When a nation's, or a planet's,
value system is contradicted by its actions, we propose that the
problem lies with its laws. When a standard of law departs the
bounds of truth and reason, thoughtful people must seek new
It would be in the spiritual -- and ultimately the material --
best interests of humanity to begin manifesting a vision of
truth, justice, freedom, and equality on earth.
Proposition One was developed as an idea to change law for the
better, and solve humanity's biggest problems through direct vote
of the people.
Proposition One offers us an opportunity to begin setting the law
right-side up, instituting a new system, conceived in spiritual
harmony, and dedicated to the proposition that all life is of
greater value than either material or ideological objectives.
Like Thomas Jefferson, we hold that, "to think law might remain
constant is like imagining a man will wear still the clothes he
wore as a boy." In the eighteenth century, considering how
difficult it was to communicate between, say, Georgia and Maine,
the U.S. Constitution was a big step toward democracy. Now,
thanks to relatively recent breakthroughs in communications
technology, humanity has its first, perhaps last, opportunity to
ascend to true democracy, and a balanced order with individual
freedom and the security of all.
It may be possible to step back
from the brink. It's up to us to try.