Who Was Bill Hale?

In 1985 Lafayette Park became host to Bill Hale, whose flamboyant "art" of used toilets and salvaged construction supplies were heaped through the park, particularly near the vigilers' large, but tidy, signs.

It could be argued that Mr. Hale's behavior gave rise to the "sign size" regulation in 1986.

The voluminous Administrative Record backing up the regulation mostly pointed at Mr. Hale's activities, plus a handful of letters from politicians and a business leader or two.

Thousands of signatures on a petition, and dozens of letters, had been submitted opposing the regulation; nevertheless, on April 4, 1986, the large signs disappeared from Lafayette Park.

We've often wondered whether Bill Hale was a witting tool, or an unwitting fool.

Who Was William Hale?

Huddle v. Reagan, USDC CA 88-3130, Petition for Certiorari, 11/20/92

Articles which Mention Bill Hale

Washington Times, 8/22/85, "Protesters Rip Lafayette Square Limits"

Atlanta Constitution, 8/23/85, "'Permanent' D.C. Protesters Face Eviction From Park"

Knight-Ridder 8/24/85, Sandy Grady, "On the Value of Crazies"

Wall Street Journal, 12/24/85, Robert E. Taylor, "Trash as Protest Symbol?"

Legal Allegations re Bill Hale

Thomas v. Reagan, USDC CA 84-3552, Opposition to Federal Defendants' Motion for Judgment on the Administrative Record, 9/22/86

Thomas Transcript 1/9/89 | Ellen Thomas Declaration, 9/21/86

Park History - Introduction | Current Situation in Peace Park | Legal History