February 18, 1996

We,, hereby announce our purposes and plans for initiating this web site:

FIRST: The NUCLEAR ABOLITION NETWORK HOMEPAGE ("web site") serves the goals of the Nuclear Abolition Network.

SECOND: The purposes for which the web site was created, and is organized are:
(a) to further harmonious cooperation among all peoples and ideologies on earth toward the ultimate moral and spiritual perfection of the human race ("peace on earth");

(b) to determine, through practical experimentation, whether moral and spiritual perfection may be achieved by the free sharing of knowledge and resources in a network committed;

(c) to focus energy -- on the priority of concluding by the year 2000 negotiations on a nuclear weapons abolition convention that requires the phased elimination of all nuclear weapons within a timebound framework, with provisions for effective verification and enforcement;

(d) to accomplish these ends either utilizing or shunning the existing framework of any nation, state, county, or local government, any religious organization, any corporation, or other official or unofficial confederation, grouping, or assembly of people -- and/or by educating or communicating, with the intent realize the aforesaid priority.

(e) to do any other act or thing incidental to or connected with the foregoing purposes or in advancement thereof.

THIRD: The purposes for which the web site is organized shall be confined to those which are benevolent, charitable, educational and political.

FOURTH: Submissions to the web site will be consistant with the Information Submission Guidelines.

FIFTH: will continue to maintain and moderate this site until the Abolition Network selects others to preform those functions, or resources no longer permit.

SIXTH: The contact person maintaining this site is:
