Thomas wouldn't have been surprised by a letter to the effect, "What's the matter, Stupid, don't you read the newspapers? Cold Fusion is a fraud!" Instead, Under Secretary Gee's letter stated:

"Department of Energy scientists and others ... have investigated zero point energy sciences.... Thus far, results clearly show that there is a net residual energy even at the zero absolute temperature, under vacuum conditions. A number of technical papers have been published in respected journals stating that, theoretically, zero point energy can be extracted from electromagnetic fluctuations of the vacuum. Additionally, eight patents have been issued on zero point energy, including one issued to the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory."

Thomas telephoned David to notify him of the letter, and faxed him a copy. Thomas and David agreed they were both perplexed about a significant point:

"Presently, scientific feasibility studies are in the beginning stages and the development of a technology for energy production from ZPE may be decades away."

Well, sure, Thomas and David agreed once more, if research and development of technology is virtually non-existent, production might be decades, or more, away. On the other hand ... assuming "scientific feasibility," as DoE's letter specifically does ... given sufficient research and development production might actually be much closer than "decades away." Remember the Manhattan Project.

Although the letter invited "further questions," lacking knowledge of physics, loath to display his ignorance Thomas, was not anxious to contact, Ehsan Khan, the apparent resident DoE expert. Unafraid to confront the government's doctor of physics, David, was quick to contact Khan to ask more questions about research funding.

David reported that Dr. Khan claimed DoE was spending next to nothing on ZPE, or other high risk research, and that within DoE the division devoted to such research was administered by a man without any scientific background. David was particularly fired-up by the term "'Holy Grail' of energy research" contained in the technical attachment to the DoE letter.