Letter from William Thomas 2/23/94

William Thomas
2817 11th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20001

February 23, 1994
Certified Mail No. P 130 678 800

G. Dennis Keaton OR
Director of Information Systems and Technology
14th & Independence Avenue NW
Box 96090
Washington, D.C. 20090-6090

Dear Mr. Director,

This is a request for information made pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act.

In July 1993 Rainbow Gatherings occurred in the Talladaga National Forest in Alabama and the Davy Crockett National Forest in Kentucky. Although the Gathering took place between July 1st and July 7th, participants were on the land in June to begin setting up the sites, and some others didn't leave until the end of July, after cleanup and site restoration was completed.

Both in Alabama and Kentucky elements of various county, state and federal law enforcement agencies, as well as National Guard units, and units of the U.S. Law Enforcement Academy from Fort Benning, Georgia were involved in monitoring the Rainbow Gatherings.

Request is made for:
(1) all internal Forest Service communications and inter-agency communications relating to organization and coordination of the various law enforcement and National Guard units,

(2) all reports and communications generated between June and August, 1993 by all law enforcement and National Guard units relating to their activities at both sites, and

(3) all information relating to expenses and defrayment of expenses for law enforcement activities related to both sites.

This information will be used for educational purposes. Disclosure of the requested information will contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations and activities of the government. Subsequently a waiver of fees would probably be appropriate.

I would appreciate a response within the 10 working days proscribed by law.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


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