Letter from William Thomas 6/11/93

From: Thomas, P.O. Box 27217, Washington, D.C. 20038

To: Carla (All Ways Free). P.O. Box 24714, Eugene, Oregon 97402

June 13, 1993

Dear sister & those relations who may share your perception,

You wrote to me asking that I "not mix Rainbow Legaliaison material & Peace Park, Proposition One stuff, etc. in the same envelope." You informed me that you "plan to also bring it up in the Council at the Gathering." I honestly thought your concerns had been resolved by our phone conversation of May 28th.

It is difficult to understand why you can't see THE FACT (as distinct from an opinion) that the proposed Forest Service regulations, and the regulations in Peace Park share precisely the same legal precedents. E.g., Clark v. Community for Creative Non-Violence, 468 U.S. 290, see, Fed. Reg. May 6, 1993, page 26940. "We Are One," it says next to your picture. Yet, you seem to think that "we" (Rainbow) are different than "you" (Peace Park). If, God forbid, this regulation is enacted you will understand that Rainbow was neither holier nor wiser than Peace Park. I mention this so, should my dire predictions come to pass, we will share a better understanding then than we do now.

Likewise, in my opinion, Proposition One stuff is no more political, and no less related to this "Rainbow cause" (but, in the long run, more practical) than "Plan B" -- which, except for prioritization, we have been following anyway. Even if you disagree about relatedness and practicality, but assuming you still value a well informed consensus process, it seems you'd have mentioned Proposition One, if not as part of Plan B, at least as a proposed "Plan C." Again, because you may not grasp the connections now doesn't mean the connections don't exist.

Frankly, I thought it was a little extreme for you to be concerned about a "Legaliaison Council." Nonetheless your objection was honored, the meeting was renamed "Freedom of Belief, Expression and Assembly Council." The only reason you've given for opposing a D.C. Council is that you "can't" make it to D.C. in July. Fine, stay at home and write letters to your congressperson, but please, for the First Amendment's sake, don't throw obstacles in the way of those who may want to do more.

Finally, it was the Rainbow Family who came to me requesting I devote time and energy to this matter, rather than vis-a-versa. You may, of course, raise anything you like in Council, but, in the interest of the Family, I suggest that we not waste more Family time, energy and focus on well-intentioned non-issues.

In service to understanding,

D.C. Scribe

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