Rainbow/Legaliaison Update11/9/90

P.O. BOX 27217
Washington, D.C. 20038

RAINBOW ALERT: Deadline December 3, 1990, widest possible dissemination.

Report on Rainbow Legaliaison Council, Washington, D.C. November 3, 1990 at Peace Park in front of the White House.


Since 1981 there has been a continuous vigil in front of the White House. Numerous members of the Rainbow Family have participated in this vigil. Essentially the purpose of the vigil has been to renounce the "Peace through Strength" philosophy and promote a philosophy of "Peace through Reason." Nuclear disarmament by the year 2000 has been a practical aim of the vigil.

On October 4, 1990 the Interior Department published a rulemaking proposal in the Federal Register. If this rulemaking becomes effective it would end the vigil by criminalizing it. Using the very same Administrative Procedures Act with which the National Forest Service recently, but unsuccessfully, tried to regulate the Gathering out of existence, the government is once again trying to dictate what the people can not do on their land.

Speaking at the council Plunker said, "In my capacity as advisor to Legaliaison, I have to advise liaison that the Family should take a stand against the Park Service. This is the same thing they've been doing to the Family. They're attacking our culture, the way we do things. Our sharing, our clothes, they just don't want the people to see what we're about."

Plunker suggested a mailing be sent to focalizers asking Family members to write letters during the "Public Comment period." Last year Rainbow letters were responsible for the government's withdrawal of a Forest Service rulemaking aimed at the Family.

For letters to be received and entered in the Administrative Record for the proposed regulations, the deadline is December 3, 1990. Letters should be clear, concise, and include explanations of why use of our land should not be arbitrarily restricted. Signed petitions are also good, although less effective. Copies of all letters should be sent to Peace Park so the Park Service doesn't "forget" to include all of the public's concerns.

Time constraints preclude national council consideration as that council does not convene until July 4th. This mailing was on the Legaliaison council's consensus. The trust and support placed in Legaliaison over the previous few years allows that when immediate-action situations arise the Legaliaison may take limited actions on the individual level, without acting on behalf of the Family. Pending national council action, all are encouraged to act as responsible individuals and oppose the Park Service on this issue, although this may necessarily be the official position of Rainbow Council at this time.

By: Joe Vigorito

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