Until recently, I like the average American citizen simply watched the network news. When the Lewinsky scandal broke in early 1998, I began to question this source of information. Thereafter, I turned to broadcast radio, the Internet, books, and newspapers. Throughout these alternate mediums, there are allegations about William Jefferson Clinton (WJC), if true, makes him as bad other tyrants that have existed throughout the history of the world.

I will not dwell on the draconian things that can be found in the alternate sources because I truly hope they are false stories borne of the "vast right wing conspiracy." Nevertheless, there are a copious number of known and proven troubling facts about the WJC. Here are just a few:

* Draft Avoidance. WJC did not serve in the military because he manipulated the draft system. He promised to enlist in the ROTC then wrote a letter explaining why he would not join. While the Vietnam conflict may have been a shameful part of our history, most young men that were drafted served without question. In addition, there were many young men and woman who volunteered in good faith to fight for our nation. Many of these fine citizens died, were injured, or became prisoners of war. I wonder if WJC has personally visited the Vietnam Wall? I find it most disturbing that during this corrupt administration WJR has placed our military into a significant number of assignments, more so than any other president, that are not in the vital interest of the nation. This has degraded the might and spirit of the military. The most startling fact is this has shamefully exposed our homeland to known and potential threats. Do you think this man is capable of making the right decision in a time of extraordinary crisis? Do you really think this man can feel your pain?

* Contempt of Congress. WJC has abused presidential power by reappointing the assistant attorney general for civil rights, Mr. Lee, a second time after the Senate voted not to confirm this appointment. After the Senate overwhelming voted to deploy the Strategic Defense Initiative, WJC endorsed a letter that was sent to leaders around the world that basically said this system may not be necessary. Why does WJC continually resist a program to develop an effective system that will defend our nation?

* Lying. The shameful testimony before a grand jury notwithstanding, let me provide you with just one horrifying example where WJC has mislead the country. During the State of the Union Address he delivered early in 1999, WJC indicated "....since the dawn of the nuclear age tonight there is not one nuclear missile pointed to any child in the United Sates. "This statement was totally false, as it is now known that the Chinese do indeed have nuclear missiles pointed at our country. In a typical parsing, WJC will probably say that he did not know this when delivering that statement. If so, then WJC is derelict in duty for not keeping up with the most impost issue facing the nation. It also disturbs me that, with few exceptions, our congressional leaders have not questioned this outright lie.

* Unprofessional Behavior. After reading a number of books and through other sources of information, I have determined that WJC and his wife's behavior behind the scenes while on duty has been unprofessional. Character is important, no matter how well WJC can "compartmentalize." I want a president with morality and character to make the right choices in time of crisis. WJC's "coffees" and "renting" the Lincoln Bedroom are well known examples of putrid unprofessional behavior.

* Illegal Campaign Contributions. Recently, news reports have confirmed WJC received campaign donations from Chinese operatives. WJC may say that he was not aware that these contributions were coming from illegal sources. I cannot read WJC's evil mind and he may truly think this behavior is acceptable. If WJC had any moral fortitude, he would have questioned the sources of these contributions before accepting these bribes. It was after WJC's re-election in 1996 that a copious amount of American technology was sold to communist China. The citizens were duped into re-electing WJC. He is probably guilty of TREASON!!

* Character Destruction. There are many examples where people who opposed WJC were subject to character destruction. In one example, all of the career government employees that ran the White House travel office were summarily fired based on false charges. A private concern from Little Rock with previous Arkansas "connections" to WJC now operates the travel office.

* Abuse of Power. There are many people and organizations that have been subject to aggressive and abusive IRS audits. These audits have mysteriously occurred after these organizations or people have spoken out against WJC. As the free citizens of the United States, we have a constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of speech and the use of the IRS to harass these people is an assault on the very foundation of the nation. WJC has issued more "Executive Orders" than any other president in history. These orders give WJC the power of a dictator.

The above corruption and abuse of power should have been the basis of the articles of impeachment against WJC. Nevertheless, in 1998 congress forwarded articles of impeachment to the Senate based on WJC's lying before a grand jury. Unfortunately, the Senate did not have the fortitude to remove WJC from office because of partisan politics. Therefore, in my view, WJC does not deserve to serve as the president because I do not consider him fit for duty. WJC is hiding behind the constitution that was abused to keep him in power. WJC and his operatives have duped the citizens of the country.

Unfortunately, there are citizens in this country, many whom are "educated" and "informed," that will think the deeds committed by WJC are politically correct. There are readers who may think this is an attempt by a "conservative" to bring down the president for political reasons. The truth is this writer is appalled at the behavior of certain republicans and democrats. I love this country as much as my life and only hope to convince somebody to realize what is happening. If this is successful in enlightening just one person, there may be hope for our beloved country.

In closing, I can only say that I'm truly terrified that the country is teetering on brink of destruction because the person in the office of president and his operatives are thoroughly corrupt. I do not make these charges lightly and I hope the citizens of the nation will come to demand that WJC stop the charade and tell the truth. Unfortunately, I feel that WJC does not have the capability to tell the truth as he only has an evil capability to parse words. It is a fact that anything built on a bad foundation will crumble. Throughout the WJC administration, truth is the exception and not the norm.

May 1999
Concerned United States Citizen