Activists abhor the illegal, unjustified and counter-productive bombing of Yugoslavia, which may lead to accidental or intentional nuclear war with Russia. We oppose the ongoing bombings of Iraq. We share worldwide fear the U.S. and its allies will decimate any nation that does not bow to their wills. Many of us share a similar analysis:

The Problem: using state violence to organize society always will result in unscrupulous individuals, bureaucracies, and corporate entities using law, police and militaries to exploit and oppress the people; large nation states have been created and are held together only through war and through violence against secessionists.

The Solution: dissolution of all large nation states into nonviolent, self-governing communities, cities, counties, or cantons which network and confederate as they feel necessary, and always retain the right to secede; respect and tolerance for racial, ethnic, religious, cultural, lifestyle, economic and political differences; commitment to nonviolent conflict resolution between and among political entities over land, water, environmental, trade, crime and other issues.

If you essentially agree with this analysis you may call yourself a decentralist, anarchist, libertarian, green, bioregionalist, or communist; or you may be an ethnic/religious /regional separatist or secessionist. Or you may not have formed a definitive ideology but find that you instantly agree with this analysis!

Can radical decentralists of various ideological persuasions and organizational strategies unite on a set of common principles and create an effective action network to achieve our goals? I myself have decided to start the worldwide Secession Network and already have registered www.secession.net which should be up by mid-June. The network will facilitate contact among those interested in nonviolent secession and dissolution of nation states, peaceful re-drawing of boundaries, and various nonviolent action and conflict resolution techniques. I know we could come up with some great campaigns and actions to publicize our existence and our alternatives--and to oppose all wars!

If you are interested in these ideas check out my website: http://www.kreative.net/carolmoore. Contact me if you would like to work on the Secession Network. CarolMoore@kreative.net 202-635-3739
Meanwhile: STOP World War III Call: President Clinton 202-456-1111 Congress 202-224-3121
Check out: www.prop1.org www.antiwar.com www.StoptheWarNow.com www.zmag.org www.nonviolence.org/wtr
To find out about local events/demonstrations call the Washington Peace Center 202-234-2000.