Show your solidarity with the victims
of the war in Yugoslavia

Die-in at the Pentagon
Saturday, June 5, 1999

Thousands of civilians have already been killed by NATO bombing and by President Milosevic's army. As U.S. citizens, we have a responsibility to hold our government accountable for the deaths resulting from its actions.

The march begins at 12:00 noon at the Vietnam War Memorial and proceeds to the Pentagon. Follow the Peace Action banner to the die-in at the Pentagon grounds.

During the rally at the Pentagon, an area will be designated for those participating in a dramatic action to commemorate those killed by the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. The sounds of an air raid siren and then of bombing will be broadcast through the area, and then participants will each fall to the ground--symbolizing the deaths caused by bombing.

Stop the War Now

Sheila Dormody
Peace Action Field Organizer
1819 H Street NW #420 Washington DC 20006
ph: 202.862.9740 ext.3006 fax: 202.862.9762
sdormody@peace-action.org www.peace-action.org

