* We must do more to out to our
children and teach them to express their
anger and to resolve their conflicts with
words, not weapons. (President Clinton, April 20,
1999 following the Colorado high school murders.)

* Parents should take this moment to ask
what else they can do to shield our children
from violent images and obscure the
consequences of violence - to show our
children by the power of our own example
how to resolve conflicts peacefully. "(President
Clinton, The Washington Post, April 22, 1999).

* News item; Burning government building in
downtown Belgrade; final bridge blown up
over the River Denude; NATO admits
bombing of refugee convoy. (Yugoslavia, April

Is there something wrong with this picture?

Are we teaching our children non-violence by practicing the massive violence of bombing cities? Do we live in such an Orwellian world that the student massacre in Colorado is violence, but the bombing of Yugoslavia is non-violence? Tell us, Mr. President, how bombing cities and rejecting mediation in Yugoslavia teaches our children how to resolve conflicts peacefully.

Mr. President, if you want to be taken seriously on how we should raise our children so that they do not kill, you must begin by heeding your own words: Show by the power of your own example 'how to resolve conflicts peacefully.' Begin in Yugoslavia by searching for a peaceful, mediated solution. As 44 government leaders descend on Washington to plan the next phase of the war in Yugoslavia, show us that you truly believe that violence is not the answer by ending the bombing now and seeking a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Kosovo/Yugoslavia. The world is waiting.

Thank you for your consideration. May we resolve all our conflicts with words, not weapons.

For more information contact Hugh Byrne at 301-588-3912