Posted on Time Magazine's message board, "Discuss Bombing the Serbs in Kosovo",2960,21302-101990409,00.html#board,

Rescue the people, but stop the bombing. And look carefully into both sides of the issue. You might like to read a balancing analysis at - click on "kosovo - analysis"

Remember Sun Tsu's "Art of War" and don't push your opponent into a corner he can't escape from. In diplomacy, that means allowing egotistical leaders to save face. NATO is out of control; Clinton should be put in a straitjacket and given intensive treatment, and move OUT of governance, and so should all these other idiots who are hankering to bomb Serbia into the same suffering state as Iraq. What I find particularly alarming is that people haven't made the connection with depleted uranium -- "armor-piercing" and "tank-busting" are buzz words for artillery that's made from radioactive materials, which are exploding and scattering, poisoning the Balkans as they poisoned the deserts in 1991. I don't understand why the press isn't covering this issue. The health consequences will be with us for a long time to come, and it will be a burning brand of shame on the history of our country.

et in dc -