Call To Action:



U.S./NATO bombs and cruise missiles are raining down on Belgrade, Pristina, Novi Sad and other cities, towns and villages in Yugoslavia, falling on Serbs, Albanians, Hungarians, Romanis and Montenegrins alike. In the name of "peace," NATO has killed thousands and destroyed hospitals, and more. In the name of protecting human rights," the launching of the air war has triggered a refugee crisis displacing hundreds of thousands of people.

Now, as the bombing and its terrible toll escalate, the threat of a U.S. invasion of Yugoslavia looms. A ground war will mean the deployment of hundreds of thousands of troops.

Now, is the time to act! We and are urging you to join us in the newly formed Emergency Mobilization to Stop the War. Hundreds of thousands of us marched against the U.S. war on Iraq in 1990-91. We have continued to work against the sanctions that have killed more than 1.5 million civilians in that country. Now, the Pentagon has embarked upon another bloody intervention, in violation of all international law, and against the interests of the people of the Balkans and the people of this country as well.

The Emergency Mobilization to Stop the War is planning major activities to mobilize hundreds of thousands people who will say in a loud and clear voice. "Stop the bombing! Stop the war! Bring the troops, ships and planes home now! Money for jobs, healthcare and education, not for war!"

On Saturday, June 5, there will be a mass march from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to the steps of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.

Yugoslavia is the fourth country--along with Iraq, Afghanistan and the Sudan--bombed by U.S. military forces in the past eight months. Now we are at the edge of an even wider and more destructive war.
We must act urgently to build a broad and deep movement that says "NO" to this madness. Join and endorse the Emergency Mobilization today. Circulate this appeal to your co-workers, neighbors, campus, church, mosque, synagogue, union and community.

__ Yes, I/my organization wants to be an endorser for the Call to Action. Volunteers and funds urgently needed.
To endorse, volunteer or Take a donation, clip the coupon and return to the Emergency Mobilization to Stop the War, 1247 'E' Street SE, Washington, DC 20003. 202-544-5752 .Fax 202-544-9359 email,

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