Dear Friends of the Kurds,

A number of Kurdish organizations based in North America will be holding a joint demonstration to support a peaceful resolution to the Kurdish Conflict in the Middle East.

The Kurds and their American friends will meet in front of the White
House -- the Pennsylvania Avenue side -- tomorrow (Thursday, February 18, 1999) between 4:00 pm and 7:00. pm.

You are encouraged to bring your signs or carry ours.

We hope to see you at the demonsration site.

For more information, please contact either Kani Xulam -- 202.270.9008 or Dr. Naj Karim -- 202.484.0140

Note: The Kurds and their friends will also be demonstrating in front of the United Nations building in New York city on Friday, February 19,
1999, again between 4:00 pm and 7:00. pm.

The American Kurdish Information Network
2623 Connecticut Avenue NW # 1
Washington, DC 20008-1522

Tel: 202.483.6444
Fax: 202.483.6476

The American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) provides a public service to foster Kurdish-American understanding and friendship


The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to
sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.—Anatole France

International Action Center/National Peoples Campaign - DC
1247 'E' Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
Phone: 202-544-5752 Fax: 202-544-9359
Beeper/Cell Phone: 301-526-3318, email: