Press Office
People's Moiahedin of Iran-


The following statement is identical to the statement issued on June 10,1999 by the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran and is being released for your information.

- Clerical regime launches Scud-B
missiles on Ashraf basecamp

At around 8:30 p.m.,this evening,the Iranian clerical regime launched Scud-B missiles,a banned weapon of mass destru-ction,on the National Liberation Amens Ashraf basecamp.

Huge sounds of consecutive explosions could be heard throughout the area.

The reports on these explosions are being carefully exami-ned and will be subsequently announced.

Mr.Massoud Rajavi,President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran strongly condemned the clerical regime's use of weapons of mass destruction,which also violates the UN Security Council Resolution 598.

Mr.Rajavi urges the UN Secretary General and Security Council to take immediate actions in this regard.

The People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran
June 10,1999


* Secretary General of the United Nations * President and Member States of the UN Security Council * UN High Com-missioner for Human Rights * UN High Commissioner for Refugees * UN Human Rights Gommission's Special Repr- esentative on Iran * President of the International Committee of the Red Cross * International Human Rights Organizations

P.0. Box 27087, Washington, DC 20038

The Press Office has been duly registered under the For-eign Agems Regisirallon Act of 1938 as amended.Wath the Dept of Justice Wash.DC as an agent of the P.M.Press Of-fice.Pans.France The registraton statement as well as cop-ies of the and other publications are available for inspector at the Dept of Justice Registration does not Indicate appro-val of the contents by the US Government

The Resolution of Iranians' Worldwide Demon-strations in Condemnation of Recent Terrorist Crimes by the Clerical Regime

June 11, 1999

On Wednesday,June 9,and Thursday,June 10,the mul-lahs' regime committed more vicious crimes against the Mojah-edin.On June 10,the mullahs' regime launched a Sc-ud-B missile attack against the National Liberation Army of Iran's Ashraf base?northeast of Baghdad.On June 9,in a cowardly terrorist act,Tehran targeted a Mojahedin bus usi-ng a carbomb in Baghdad.As a result of this criminal act,six Mojahedin were killed and 21 more injured.An Iraqi bus car-rying 60 passengers was also destroyed and a large numb-er of Iraqi bystanders injured.

We,the Iranian residents of the United States,along with our compatriots in dozens of other cities in Europe.the Unit-ed States and Australia,proclaim:

1 - These terrorist acts demonstrate the weakness of clerics' anti-human regime in confronting the ever-expanding Resis-tance across Iran.Through such criminal acts,the mullahs ar-e trying in vain to boost the morale of their disillusioned forc- es.But,the truth is that this evil regime has entered the stage of its overthrow,and nothing can prevent the inevitable.

2 - We demand that all governments, particularly the govern-ment of the United States, strongly condemn this anti-human act and halt all economic and diplomatic contacts with this regime.Such ties run counter to the interests of the Iranian people.This is the least the Iranian people demand from the government of the United States.The silence about this cri-me of certain circles in the West,who condemn the Mojahe-din's legitimate operations inside Iran as terrorism,reveals their malicious intentions and the falsity of their claims agai-nst the Iranian Resistance.

3 - The Iranian people will never forget the political and eco-nomic support for the clerical regime in these final stages.At the very least,we expect foreign nations to remain impartial in the struggle between the Iranian people and Resistance, and to recognize the right of Iranian people to resist against tyranny.

4 - We call upon all international human rights organizations, humanitarian personalities and members of parliament to condemn the anti-human acts of the clerical regime.We also urge the United Nations Security Council to take appropriate action to isolate and impose sanctions on the clerical regime ,and to bring its leaders to justice in an international tribune for their crimes against humanity.

5 - The criminal attack with weapons of mass destruction,the bomb blast in a crowded district,as well as the regime's oth-er atrocities-such as the brutal murder of Sohrab Akbari,the execution of Mojahedin supporters in recent months,the ser-ies of political murders in Iran,and the increase in stonings and hangings show the degree to which Khatami's"civil soci-ety"and"rule of law"are fraudulent and are used to cover-up his regime's crimes against the Iranian people.These terro-rist operations,the 24th and 25th such attacks during Khata-mi's rule,once again proved the righteousness and legitima-cy of the Mojahcdin resistance and demonstrated that all of those who accuse the Mojahedin of terrorism have no goal but to appease the criminal mullahs.

6 - The Iranian people and Resistance have pledged to rid their land of religious dictatorship forever.Such criminal acts not only will not erode their determination,but also will stren-gthen their commitment to liberate their homeland.In the vie-w of the people of Iran,none of the regime's factions or grou-ps has any legitimacy whatsoever;the regime must be overt-hrown.This demand will undoubtedly be realized by the Nati-onal Liberation Army of Iran.Therefore,supporting this army and joining the ranks of its combatants is the national,patrio-tic duty of all Iranians abroad.

Press Office
People's Moiahedin of Iran-Washington, DC

Statement No. 2

- Mullahs' criminal regime fires three Scud-B missiles at NILA's Ashraf basecamp

The General Command Staff of the National Liberation Army of Iran said the number of Scud-B missiles fired last night tow-ard Ashraf basecamp,was three.The fourth missile exploded in the air before landing.The missiles created craters 8meters wide and 3to4 meters deep where they struck the ground.

The force of the explosions inflicted heavy damages on Iraqi citizens in nearby villagesThe Moiahedin did not suffer any casualties.

The Scud-B missiles were reportedly fired by Al-Hadid mis-sile Brigade of the clerical regime's Guards Corps from Ker-manshah's Montazeri Garrison towards Ashraf basecamp. The brigade is commanded by Guards Corps Brig.Gen. Has-san Maqaddam who left Tehran for Kermanshah three days aco and is Dresentiv based at Montazeri Garrison.

The decision to use Scud-B missiles and weapons of mass destruction against the Mojahedin was made at a Supreme Security Council meeting headed by mullah Mohammad Kha-tami, the regime's Dresident.

The Scud-B missile attack,just a day after the mullahs'hein-ous,terrorist carbomb operation in public against the Mojahe-din,is a clear indication of the mullahs' fear of the Mojahedin and the National Liberation Armv of Iran.

Mr.Massoud Rajavi,President of the National Council of Resistance and Commander in Chief of the National Liber-ation Army of Iran made the following comments in this reg-ard: The moribund mullahs have found no solutions but resort to terrorism and export of crises to break out of the crises whi-ch have engulfed their faltering regime.They have therefore unleashed their savagery without paying attention to the politi-cal and strategic consequences of their deeds.They have res-orted to blind terrorism by various forms of bombing in public places and deploying weapons of mass destruction, heedles-sly violating the terms of the United Nations resolutions.Never-theless,the mullahs' religious,terrorist dictatorship will not ben-efit from these ploys and this illegitimate regime will be definit-ely overthrown.

The Leader of the Iranian Resistance reiterated the movem-ent's legitimate right to respond and pointed out:Now every one can see that the mullahs' claims of moderation and their rhetorics aboutcivil society"and"lessening the tensions"are but a myth.

Mr.Rajavi urged the UN Secretary General and all member states of the Security Council to condemn--on the basis of the Universal Declaration of Human Righs,the UN Charter and ot-her international covenants--the aggressions and crimes braz-enly committed by the Iranian clerical regime.

Mr.Rajavi said:Various governments' approach to the clerical regime's crimes and acts of aggression comprise an unforget-table criterion for judgment by the Iranian people and Resista-nce.

Mr.Rajavi added:Since the mullahs' desperate regime has not yet claimed responsibility for the missile attack and its ot-her terrorist crimes,and attempts to cowardly evade the cons-equences of its own deeds,I hereby urge the UN Secretary General and the Security Council to dispatch a mission to the site to inspect the evidence of these criminal acts and use of weapons of mass destnJction.

The People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran
June 11,1999

* UN Secretary General
* Member states of the UN Security Council

P.O.Box 27087,Washington,DC 20038

The Press Offrce has Oeen duly registerecuned urther the Foregn Agenis Regustralion Actot 1938 as amended with the Dect of Justice Wash DC as an ageni of the PM Press Office-Pans France The regstration statement as well as copies of this and other pars France.The regstraton statement as well as copes of the and other pubicanors.are available for inspection at the Dept of Justice Registration does not nacate approval of the contents by the U.S.Govern-ment

DJ Iran Opposition:Iran Fires Missiles At Camp In ...

DJ 6/10/99 5:50 PM

DJ Iran Opposition:Iran Fires Missiles At Camp In Iraq

BAGHDAD (AP)-Iran launched Scud missiles at an Iraqi base camp occupied by the Iranian opposition army Thurs-day,according to an army spokesman.

Shahin Gobadi of the Mujahedeen Khalq said the attacks on the Ashraf camp,110 km northeast of Baghdad,occurred at 8:30 p.m.local time (1630 GMT).

The group's leader,Masoud Rajavi, condemned the use of weapons of mass destruction and urged the United Nations to take immediate action against Iran.

No immediate comment was available from Iran.

It was uncertain how many missiles were launched.There was no word of casualties from the attacks.

The Scud attacks follow an explosion in Baghdad Wednesday that killed six senior members of the Mujahedeen.The group bla-med the government of Iran for explosion,which also killed one Iraqi and injured 37 people.

Earlier Thursday,Iran's state-run radio issued a denial of The-ran's involvement in the bomb blast.

The Mujahedeen Khalq was formed more than a decade ago to overthrow the Islamic regime in Iran.The group,which has a cl-ose relationship with Iraq, has more than 30,000 militarily trained men and women in 17 camps near the Iranian border.The grou-p's fighters often target Iranian government sites.

Iran also hosts Iraqi opposition groups,and Baghdad accuses Tehran of using the groups to foment trouble in Iraq.

(END) DOW JONES NEWS 06-10-99 05:50 PM

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