

DATE: Wednesday 28th May, 1997.
TIME: 12.25pm.
MEETING POINT: By the side of County Hall/The London Aquarium, on Westminster Bridge Road, London (see attached map).

CONTACT PERSON: Louise Edge, CND Press Officer.

CND activists dressed in radiation suits and skull masks will carry a 20 foot long replica of a Trident nuclear missile across Westminster Bridge and on to 10 Downing Street.

At Downing Street, comedian Jeremy Hardy and former Big Breakfast presenter and Neighbours star Mark Little will join CND Chair Dave Knight in handing in an invoice to the government for the £1,500,000,000 annual cost of maintaining Trident.

The action marks the end of CND's 'Traffickin' Trident' tour, which has seen the missile 'kicked out' of Scotland by the SNP Defence Spokesperson and travelling along the road route taken by real nuclear warhead convoys, to return to the government in London.

Along the way the lorry carrying the missile and local activists stopped at Glasgow, Edinburgh, Carlisle, Manchester, Yorkshire, Stamford, Birmingham, Newport and Bristol. Demonstrations and exhibitions were set up to inform local people about the costs and dangers of Trident and the hazards of living next to a nuclear convoy route.


12.25PM - Photographers to meet activists on Westminster Bridge (see attached map). 10 activists to proceed across bridge carrying 20 foot long bomb.

12.45PM - Arrive in Whitehall and join vigil, including Jeremy Hardy and Mark Little, who will join activists in carrying the missile to outside 10 Downing Street.

1PM - Jeremy Hardy, Mark Little and Dave Knight to hand in invoice for £1,500,000,000 (the annual costs of maintaining Trident) to 10 Downing Street.

For more information call the CND Press Office on 0171 700 2350 or mobile no. 0973 773671.

The CND staff team (cnd@gn.apc.org)
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
162 Holloway Road, LONDON N7 8DQ
tel: (uk)171 700 2393
fax: (uk)171 700 2357

Web Site http://www.cnduk.org/cnd

Watch out for the CND 'Traffic in Trident Tour' of the UK 17 May 1997 - 28 May 1997.

Proper healthcare or decent schools? - Can't afford them.......500 new nuclear weapons? - No problem!

CND is part of ABOLITION 2000 - A global network to eliminate nuclear weapons.