Halloween will be all trick and no treat for the White House if planners of the National March For Justice have their way.

A citizens rally on Washington is now set to be held at Noon, October, 31, 1998, in Lafayette Park across from the White House.

Literary agent Lucianne Goldberg will make a rare public speaking appearance at the rally. Other creating wind include former FBI agent Gary Aldrich, former Travel Office head Billy Dale, Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch, Jonah Goldberg from NATIONAL REVIEW, Dr. Paul Fick, author of THE DYSFUNCTIONAL PRESIDENT and many others.

The rally promises to feature the ultimate line-up of Clinton scandal stars.

[Several unannounced guests could turn the event into a complete media spectacle, it has been learned.]

Goldberg herself is sending out the call, posting a message on the Internet earlier this week:

"I implore all of you to heed the cry of EAGLES UP! and join us. Sell something, borrow the dough, cash a T-bill - whatever it takes and come to Washington on October 31st to show the world that there are people who know what this country really means."

The website FREE REPUBLIC, which is sponsoring the event, has a permit and is renting the tent and band.

X X X X X --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "When I gave food to the poor, they called me a saint. When I asked why the poor were hungry, they called me a communist" --Dom Helder Camara Brazilian Bishop Nobel Peace Prize nominee