Thank you so much for making contact and for your kind words. I'll be glad to continue this dialog anytime if you wish. Your work is so appreciated by me, and I'm sure by so many others. I'd like to start by mentioning that having been a corporate mgr. of an aerospace company, a space and missile defense consultant, and have this quote from Military Space that seems to follow me around: "Rosin is regarded to be the original political architect of the move to stop the SDI and ASATs," Founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Spac, among other things, I tell you this not to toot my own horn or go on an ego trip, but to let you know that I've been in the belly of the beast and feel that we do-gooders need to change our tactics just as we want the ol boys to do the same. I am hoping that this note may reach somehow into your pores so that you can help me find a way to reach more people quickly with this vitally important piece of our work for our common goals. You see, our language and actions fit perfectly into the war game...and, therefore, you may have noticed that we haven't really made a real dent that will change anything much. I know others would argue with this, but it's true. The war machine is alive and well and thriving. And, now the boys are getting ready to launch and build hundreds of battle stations above all our heads with thousands of weapons pointed down all our throats. But protesting this nuclear and weapons madness on earth and in space won't stop them. Simple as that. Period. So, to start, we have to change OUR basic language and strategies if we ever expect the game to change. We cannot, for example, any longer use the word "disarmament" and we cannot oppose the "militarization" of space. There are other ways of saying the same thing, however, so please stick with me for a minute. Nobody is going to just disarm. It won't happen, so this language word doesn't work. It's a language that won't be heard by the boys whom we want to hear us. Now, since I started a movement to do these things, to get rid of nukes and weapons that we all know are dangerous, costly, etc., please listen further, as I have found some ways that cause those who can, who are willing to hear, to hear. For example, we can say that we want to build a strong security system that is based on Space Age communication and observation technology...because that is real and feasible and will cause, eventually, the disarmament we want, if we do this right. Note, if we can get the boys to do build cooperative communication/intelligence/observation technology and share the info worldwide with intention (it's basically shared worldwide as it is, now, via the net, etc.), as they already have built a good portion of this space based intelligence system, they will eventually want to disarm themselves because we will be friends (well, maybe they won't ever disarm completely, but it will be close enough that we will feel a lot safer, at least). In any case, if we even talk about disarmament, we will not be heard. Because no one in the military industrial complex anywhere can relate to that word. It's just language, so give it up and make some little changes like this if you want to be heard. Here's another example...we can not say we oppose the "militarization" of space. We can us the word "weaponization" instead and be heard. Why? The military is already in space, so opposing the militarization of space is a worthless way of approaching this. No one will hear you. Again, what we can say is that we oppose the "weaponization" of space. After all, three quarters of the satellites up there are of a military nature, and they do great things (just ignore the fact that they are military for a minute in the old context of the military warriors on earth... we know military as being partly, a bad thing...up to now...though they do some good). Think of it this way: in space, there IS a role for the military (again, note, the military is never going to go away and disappear, it won't happen), as they are well trained and skilled and very intelligent and are there anyway, we have to give the little boys something "else" to do. But it doesn't have to be with weapons anymore. Yet you can't just say that to them. It's laughable to that kind of mindset. In other words, they aren't going to go away anyway, so let's acknowledge what they are doing that is GOOD, and then show them some suggestions of what we want them to do in "SERVICE" like they are supposed to do to help protect a new way. That's a whole story in itself I won't take your time on right now. I'm just presenting some basics. Next, nuclear testing will never stop if we just protest and petition, etc.. NOr will the weapons R&D programs stop from proceeding ahead. That is, not as long as there is a Star Wars, Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, Global Protection System, GPI, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, BMDO, or whatever they call it these days! That is, not as long as there is an intention to put weapons in space!!!! That space weapons research and development, R&D, program, the largest funded R&D program in history, is accelerating while we speak. These tests will never stop as long as they THINK they need this technology to enhance the war game as it extends into outer space. So, just as we had to learn about nukes and other earth weapons systems, and war funding, etc., now we must learn about outer space, the technology and money allotments, etc....what's going on there and what can be done there. Why? Because space R&D is the only program that is grand enough, exciting and expensive enough to replace the war and nuclear game and to transform, convert the game. I'll explain a little further to start our dialog. Besides, we aren't going to be able to picket if they put weapons in space, after all. The hint is right there. But the fact is, and here is the bottom line, there is only one game in town that can possibly, feasibly, replace the war game. It's the "space game." Yes, we all want better roads and schools, but the military industrial complex ain't gonna build them with the industries and universities and labs depend on funding from the war machine. Even Congressional representatives, who have vested interests in re-election campaigns, will say anything to anyone that will get them elected. I haven't found one honest Congress person who gets the whole picture about outer space and it's relevance to security, the economy, education, environmentment, education...Congressman Moakely did call for the first legislation to ban weapons from space so he was very cool and understanding because he couldn't imagine weapons being funded for space when his elderly in Boston were starving on the streets. Anyway, here is the bottom line a bit more clearly articulated...though it need so much more attention than I'm giving it here. Fact is, the same people, technology, funding that supports the war machine is starting to go into the space-war machine. Sure there are a few civilian looking items like the shuttle and space station, but they are also models for what's to come that will be part of the war machine unless we all jump in now to make sure that they do not have any connection to the war machine. For examples, a satellite can be a communciation/observation technology providing vital information to earth people for our survival, or they can be used as force multiplyers in the war games. A mass driver can be used to mine the moon and asteroids or it can be used as a rail gun. We can build schools, hotels and resorts, laboratories, hospitals, farms, and habitats in space or we can build battle stations. It's not a matter of whether or not we should go into space, we are there so it's about "how" we go. But the recent excuse to build space weapons is "asteriods." Ridiculous. If we go cooperatively into space as one human species, sharing our resources and information, using the space frontier as our common frontier in which we can live and work peacefully providing unlimited benefits and opportunities to all on Earth, we can have peace on earth as well as in the sanctuary we call space. But some high level people have promised me they intend to put weapons into space "regardless of the merits or non-merits of the system." Dan Quayle told me that "space never has been and never will be a sanctuary for peaceful purposes." These people are wrong in their intentions and commitments, but we fall into their prey if we only protest them. They know our protesting won't work. They'd fall a redwood tree on us and then tell us they are sorry they killed we have got to get real about what might actually work. I've learned that trying to "convince" anyone that we are right, that we know the way, that they should "stop" simply won't work. These people are not "willing" to change. Period. Get that, it's true. So, at best, we have got to start to "sort" to find those who are not only willing to help us, but for those who have a burning desire to create a new reality. People with passion, whether we agree with them totally or not. We must find people who are passionate about something, and who are willing to "grow". Some will help us if we don't confront them but if we use our best techniques for communicating with new content...about space. Again, in order to create new realities, we have to use our most enlightened approaches with everyone we can. Anger, confrontation, "them and us" approaches, protesting, etc., won't work. I don't mean we should stop protesting completely, it's good for media coverage and rallying, but we should know by now that it hasn't and won't work. We have to focus on presenting the positive visions we have and then find the people who can create them...quickly. To start, we world citizens do have to make up some rules and insist that they be honored (we can use some old approaches like legislation and agreements/treaties, but know that they can be broken at any time)...and we do have to call for a stop to the things we don't want because otherwise they won't know that we don't want them...but in the same breath we have to call for what we DO want that can keep the boys occupied. Now here is the most important point of all...a point I hear virtually no one mentioning in the peace do-gooder movements: The first thing, the main thing, the thing that will put a lid on the madness is to call for a comprehensive ban on all weapons in space!!!!! This is doable, it's verifiable, and it must be done if we are going to reach our common goals...and the ban on space weapons must be done now, BEFORE they put weapons in space. We don't have much time left. Once we get this ban, the need for the other negative technologies won't exist, and the boys will find new things to do. Here is the most important part: In the same breath as a call to put this lid on the arms race, to ban space weapons, simultaneous to this call for a ban on all weapons in space, we must call for world cooperative space R&D agreements. Not agreements just among "allies" as we venture into space, but WORLD cooperative agreements to build and explore in space. Even potential adversaries will benefit! The war machine creates jobs and profits. It's not about security, obviously. So, what other R&D program could provide more jobs and profits, security based on cooperation, products and services that can be applied directly to healing and health, education and welfare, peace and justice, a new kind of local, national and world economic stablility as we go AKIDO style from war to space technology and strategies to protect and preserve the environment and people and other animals ... that is what the transformation of the wargame and technologies of the Space Age can provide for us. I've been contacted by the former head of military space planners, someone many told me not to ever talk to as he would possibly be a spy, or worse, maybe cause me some kind of injury if we talked. My life had been threatened years ago about going public about the MX missile, which I did anyway, so that wouldn't have been anything new. But I felt this man's heart, and he did come through as we dialoged. We appeared on the cover of the LA Weekly, he in his military uniform and me with a fan blowing my hair as I stood in front of him... as we had opposing views. And now, this loving man with seven children, has agreed to write a book with me. Yes, there are people whom after we talk with them with respect, even love, will open to things we may not have expected. These are the people we must sort for at this time. We need all the help we can get. None of us are perfect, duh, but most of us who care actively are searching for ways to get what we want. By calling for a ban on space weapons first and foremost, we will inevitably get the transformation process going as we simultaneously call for a world coooperative space R&D program to substitute for the newest phase of the war machine that is keeping the earthbound mentality and accompanying war machine technogy going. Among the peace groups is a lot of infighting and backstabbing, almost a jealousy to get issues into the forefront, fighting for funds and resources, all of which dilute our efforts. We need to work together in the light of positive energy and pure love with passion, and we need to move together into a new grid with new information and new approaches. My little piece of the tapestry, the space weapons issue, is only one of the vitally important issues that we all feel in our interconnnectedness. But it's a vital and a mostly missing element of the conversation. I hope you can help me to articulate this to as many people around the world as you can. We can transform the war game into a space game. We can have peace on earth through peace in space. Looking forward to you response. Love Carol Sue Rosin At 09:26 AM 9/25/98 -0400, you wrote: >I read with interest your letter to Jonathan Haber, who's been working on Cassini No Flyby actions. We staged a rally in Washington DC to stop the launching in October 1997 (see > >I admire your work enormously, and would sure appreciate being put on any eail update list you may maintain. > >I thought you might like to know about our web domain -- -- where we're continually adding information about nuclear safety and disarmament and conversion of the war machines, as well as freedom of speech. While we're located in Washington DC, our efforts are global in both concept and contact -- we speak to people from all over the world daily. Here's a sampling of some of the information.... > >* Proposition One: the "Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act" now in U.S. Congress, STUCK in Committees; with India and Pakistan testing there is a window of opportunity while Congressional leaders have not yet solidified their positions on how to handle the nuclear arms escalation in Asia. Letters are needed. (See more information below; click on "PROP1" button at > >* Campus Outreach Project: A living, growing lobby center where student activists can learn about lobbying, organizing initiative campaigns, and lots of facts about nuclear weapons negotiations, safety, and activities worldwide. Click "Proposition One" button, then "Campus Organizing" -- Please let us know if you would like to help us circulate these materials on campus(es). > >* Nuclear Accidents and Safety: a growing list of accidents since the beginning of nuclear technology. We're appealing to everyone to send us verifiable information about nuclear and military accidents (newspaper clippings, official reports, lawsuits, etc.). Click "NUCLEAR" then "Accidents & Safety" then the list at the top of the text box will lead you to our growing list of information. (You can also search on our homepage "search" link.) Latest addition: "Let The Facts Speak," by Australian Senator (retired) Jo Vallentine, listing over 1,050 nuclear accidents worldwide between 1945 and 1991. We're bringing the information up to date, so keep checking, and let us know anything that's missing and verifiable. > >* Over a thousand international groups join in calling for a global Convention to ban all nuclear weapons by the year 2000. Click the "Anti-Nuclear" button on the button bar, then "Organizations," then "Anti-Nuclear Websites," then "Abolition 2000." > >* Statement by 62 retired admirals and generals that nuclear weapons are unsafe and unnecessary. Click the "Anti-Nuclear" button on the button bar, then "62 generals and admirals warning" in the text body. > >* Map of sites where radioactive material has been made/dumped in the U.S. -- go back to "Proposition One" button (the quickest way is to hit "PROP1" on bottom) then "Radiation Hazards Database" button > >* Recent poll showing about 80% of American public desires a world free of nuclear weapons. Click the "Nuclear" button on the lower button bar, then "recent poll" in the body of the text. > >* Various official documents, e.g. World Court hearings on legality of threat or use of nuclear weapons. Decision rendered July, 1996, the Canberra Commission Report, and various Treaties (click the "Nuclear" button on the button bar, then "Anti-nuclear Listing," then "Treaties, Agreements"). > >* China's White Paper of November 1995 calling for global nuclear disarmament is also available. Click the "Nuclear" button on the lower button bar, then "China" (in the body of the text). > >Additionally, there is much information about the legal status of the First Amendment as experienced in Lafayette Park, outside the White House, and in America's National Forests. > >* A history of significant attacks on free thought, expression, and assembly, in Peace Park. Click "Peace Park" and start with "Peace Park and the Presidents" for the history; click "Legal" and then "C.L.U.E.S." > >* Current situation in the National Forests, permit requirements and arrests: Click "Legal" then "Forest Service Regulations" -- see also "FS Regs" then "Rainbow Circle" buttons for artistic history of recent Rainbow Family efforts to stop these regulations. > >* History of people who have vigiled in Lafayette (Peace) Park. See "Peace Park" button, then "People" (for long-term vigilers) or "Protests and Movements" (for shorter demonstrations). > >* Click on "Current Events" at the homepage ( to learn about new or ongoing issues. > >We're continually updating this information. We appreciate suggestions and questions. Please let us know what you think!! > >Ellen Thomas >Proposition One Committee >PO Box 27217, Washington DC 20038 >202-462-0757 -- -- > > ________________________________________________________ > > ABOUT PROPOSITION ONE: > Successful Grassroots Citizen Action > > On September 14, 1993 Proposition One won 56% of the vote as DC Initiative 37. As a result of the election, DC's Congresswoman, Eleanor Holmes Norton, proposed a similar law, the "Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act" (HR-827 in 1997-98). > The bill is a promise by the U.S. government to eliminate all its nuclear weapons if everyone else does: a reasonable idea, relatively risk free. It earmarks the billions of dollars saved annually for converting nuclear and defense industries to peacetime needs. > The bill has gained eight co-sponsors, from Alabama, California, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, New York. > >-------------------------------------------------------- > PROPOSITION ONE: > > (1) DISABLE AND DISMANTLE ALL NUCLEAR WARHEADS (BY THE YEAR 2000) AND REFRAIN FROM REPLACING THEM WITH ANY WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION AT ANY TIME; (2) USE RECENT ANNUAL LEVELS OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM RESOURCES TO - > (A) CONVERT ALL NUCLEAR WEAPONS INDUSTRY EMPLOYEES, PROCESSES, PLANTS,PROGRAMS, AND COMPLEXES SMOOTHLY INTO CONSTRUCTIVE AND ECOLOGICALLY BENEFICIAL PEACETIME INDUSTRIES DURING THE THREE YEARS FOLLOWING THE RATIFICATION OF THIS AMENDMENT; AND > (B) REDIRECT THOSE RESOURCES INTO HUMAN NEEDS SUCH AS HOUSING, HEALTH CARE, EDUCATION, AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION; > (3) ENTER INTO A VIGOROUS GOOD FAITH EFFORT TO ELIMINATE WAR, ARMED CONFLICT, AND ALL MILITARY OPERATIONS; > (4) ACTIVELY PROMOTE POLICIES INTENDED TO INDUCE ALL NATIONS ON EARTH TO JOIN IN THESE COMMITMENTS FOR PEACE ON EARTH. >-------------------------------------------------------- > >Proposition One is International! > > Hundreds of thousands of visitors from all nations and states have signed our petition to abolish nuclear weapons worldwide. In 1995, an emissary carried a letter from Congresswoman Norton to the World Court in Den Haag, Netherlands, about this grassroots effort to make nuclear weapons illegal in the U.S. and globally through binding laws. A Proposition One speaker was invited to Japan in November 1994 to tell about the successes in Washington. Volunteers were warmly received in Moscow in 1990-91. > Proposition One Committee supports the rapidly growing Abolition 2000 Network, working for a global convention by 2000, with the purpose of abolishing nuclear weapons. > Much other good work has already been done. Nuclear free towns and regions are multiplying. The current nuclear powers are under pressure to reduce their stockpiles to zero, as promised in Article 6, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Fortunately, the World Court has ruled that nuclear weapons should be illegal, quickly. Sixty-two retired generals and admirals call them unsafe and unnecessary. One hundred former heads of state (including President Carter) call for abolition of nuclear weapons. Most Pacific nations have signed the Treaty of Roratonga, and Latin America the Treaty of Tlatelolco. South Africa disarmed unilaterally. There will soon be a pan-Africa nuclear-free-zone treaty. Russia, China, France, India and Pakistan have all indicated recently that they will disarm if everyone else does. But the U.S., Britain, and Israel stubbornly cling to their warheads as their "right." > >HOW YOU CAN HELP! > > WORLD CITIZENS (this means EVERYBODY): Letter-writing is urgently needed. Write the United Nations Ambassadors for all countries possessing nuclear weapons (Britain, China, France, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russia, United States), c/o U.N. Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA, and say, "Please promise, and use your influence to convince all nuclear powers to publicly promise, 'YES, we will eliminate all our nuclear weapons, if everyone else does.' Don't quit until the job is done!" > Write the U.S. House of Representatives "National Security" and "International Relations" Committees (Washington, DC 20515, USA) about the "Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act" -- or call: Congressional switchboard (202-225-3121). With India and Pakistan testing recently, there is a window of opportunity while Congress ponders how to respond. Please tell these Committees that it is undemocratic to withhold this important legislation from the rest of the House of Representatives, and they should send it, unedited, to the House floor immediately for discussion and vote. > > U.S. RESIDENTS: Ask your Representative to co-sponsor DC Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton's bill, HR-827, and your Senators to sponsor similar legislation in the Senate. > We anticipate that Congress won't change overnight; as Ms. Norton has said, "These ideas take time. We must be patient." But we can make a difference, if we're active. Write or call us to brainstorm how to approach your community. > If your politicians are unresponsive to letters, phone calls, and visits on behalf of Proposition One, start your own voter initiative campaign. Sure, you can do it! We did! > If your community has no voter initiative provisions, lobby your state legislators to establish that right. Then USE that right to make your world a safer, saner place. > Suggestions appreciated. > --------------------------------------------------- > PROPOSITION ONE COMMITTEE/ > PEACE PARK ANTINUCLEAR VIGIL > POB 27217, Washington DC 20038 > 202-462-0757 -- email: > Worldwide Web - > >------------------------------------------------------------------------- >1998 -- DRAFT LETTER TO REPRESENTATIVES RE HR-827 > >The Hon. __________________________ >U.S. House of Representatives >Washington DC 20515 > >Dear Representative _________________ > >I ask you please to actively co-sponsor Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton's "Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act," which was re-introduced on February 25, 1997 as HR-827. > >In pertinent part, the proposed Act requires that: "The United States Government ... shall disable and dismantle all its nuclear weapons and refrain from replacing them at any time with any weapons of mass destruction ... and shall redirect resources that are currently being used for nuclear weapons programs to use .. in converting all nuclear weapons industry employees ... and programs ... to constructive, ecologically beneficial peacetime activities ... addressing human needs such as housing, health care, education, agriculture, and environmental restoration. This Act shall take effect when the President certifies to the Congress that all foreign countries possessing nuclear weapons have established legal requirements comparable... and those requirements have taken effect." > >This legislation is a timely vehicle by which Congress can signal its intent to abide by Article 6 of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. With the recent revelations by retired generals and admirals that nuclear weapons are unsafe, unnecessary, and insane -- with the World Court decision that nuclear weapons could and should be illegal -- with the growing global pressure for abolition of nuclear weapons - with constituents everywhere still looking for the "Peace Dividend," this bill's time has come. > >A professional poll of 1006 people by Lake Sosin Snell & Associates, released April 3, 1997, and endorsed by Rep. Elizabeth Furse (D-OR), shows that the vast majority of the American public would feel safer in a world in which no country, including the United States, has nuclear weapons. All ages, religions, political parties, sexes, races had similar responses. It's time for Congress to catch up. > >You will find that the bill is in the best interest of all constituents, since domestically it marks for conversion and cleanup those funds formerly needed to produce and deploy nuclear weapons. Since it goes into effect when ALL countries possessing nuclear weapons join the U.S. in nuclear disarmament and conversion of their war machines, it offers very little security risk and a great deal of good public relations ... particularly with India and Pakistan first testing, and then calling for a U.N. convention to ban nuclear weapons worldwide. > >Good news in that regard: on Thursday June 18, Representative Lynn Woolsey introduced House Resolution 479, cosponsored by Filner, Stark, Towns, McGovern, Furse, Slaughter, Kennedy (Mass.), Hinchey, Oliver, Faleomavaega, Norton, Lofgren, Sanders, Owens and Frank (Mass.), urging the President to initiate multilateral negotiations leading to the conclusion of a nuclear weapons convention. Rep. Woolsey is seeking further cosponsors. For a copy of the resolution please contact Mark Dooley, Office of Lynn Woolsey Phone 202-225 5161. > >Please advise me that you have added your name to the list of active co-sponsors of this very important legislation. > >Sincerely, > >Name: >Address: >email / website: >fax / phone: > > > > > >Drafted by: >Proposition One Committee >PO Box 27217, Washington DC 20038 >202-462-0757 -- -- > > > >_______________________________________________________________________ > >* Peace Through Reason - - Convert the War Machines! * >_______________________________________________________________________ >