Our society is at a fork in the road. The American Citizens have to decide if we want to change our course to higher moral ground or stay on our current path of decline.


The father of Po-



k. And the third type of government is a Republic. Montesquieu broke Republics into two parts: aristocracies and democracies. A democracy is set into motion by virtue. When a democratic nation loses its values, it is finished. An example of this is Rome, a great civilization which we owe much to, declined into complete self gratification. For entertainment they threw Christians to lions and watched gladiators fight to their deaths. They became so weak they were overrun by Barbarians. It seems we are close to that.


More and more we are titillated and tantalized with emotionally void sex. We are at the same time entertained and disgusted with the likes of Jerry Springer and Howard Stern. Our professional athletes are paid outrageous salaries. We do not protect our children. We rob them of their childhood by taking away their innocence.


Are we, the American citizens so satisfied by our material comforts and distracted with our hobbies that we will do nothing while our society's foundation crumbles beneath us? Do we fear so much being berated as a prude if we demand restrains in our arts? Do we no longer have a consensus on morals? Are we paralyzed by complacency? Will we prove Karl Marx correct? He said capitalistic nations will destroy themselves from within. America is in a moral crisis and President Clinton is the personification of it.


Sunday 9/13/98 young lady with a "Resign Now" sign.