Bantam Doubleday Dell
July 26, 1998

For Every Puerto Rican, a Political Rally

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    GUANICA, Puerto Rico -- Tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans came to this coastal town Saturday, some to celebrate, others to condemn the landing of U.S. troops here 100 years ago, while thousands more traveled to a historic fortress in San Juan to pay homage to the political status that has defined Puerto Rico's relationship to the United States for nearly half a century.

    "Some Puerto Ricans greatly anticipated the arrival of U.S. troops, thinking they would liberate us from Spain and help us be free like Cuba," said Hector Zapata, a school teacher in Guanica who is the head of a town group collecting oral histories of the invasion passed down to residents from their ancestors. "Others were far more reserved, thinking that we would stay a colony with the same conditions but under a new power."

    "And that's the way it is with us today," Zapata added. "It's the same situation as 100 years ago."

    While Puerto Ricans remain deeply divided over which political course to take, everybody on the island had something to do Saturday, regardless of whether they support the current commonwealth status, statehood or independence.

    The pro-statehood administration of Gov. Pedro Rossello held a $400,000 celebration called "100 years of Progress and Union" in a park here. The event featured political speeches and entertainers.

    The crowd at the rally included Elena Acosta, 48, of Juanadiaz. "I support statehood for progress for our grandchildren," she said. "I am here in Guanica to celebrate the Americans rescuing us from the Spanish 100 years ago."

    Eugenio Rios, 66, a retired Air Force officer, said, "I support statehood because I feel 100 percent American. I'm Puerto Rican, but I have a great feeling for the United States."

    At the same time, a coalition of pro-independence groups carried on a tradition begun in 1928 by Pedro Albizu Campos, the fiery founder of the Nationalist Party, of traveling each year to the harbor of this town to protest the invasion of United States troops after the Spanish-American War in 1898.

    While a group of independentistas made the annual trek each year after the death of Albizu Campos in 1965, thousands of independence supporters showed up Saturday.

    "It's important for people in the United States to know that people here are still struggling for independence," said Marilyn Perez, 37, from Aguas Buenas, a mountain town outside San Juan, who camped overnight with her husband and two children. "We're sending a little message to the Congress, which is considering status legislation."

    The Puerto Rican Independence Party also gave a party, with protest singers and Puerto Rican rock groups performing on a stage set up on the harbor at the end of the 25 de Julio, Guanica's main street. Several delegates from the Socialist International and the Conference of Latin American Political Parties showed up, including former Argentine President Raul Alfonsin, former Bolivian President Jaime Paz Zamora and former Ecuadorean President Rodrigo Borja. They passed resolutions favoring self-determination for Puerto Rico.

    Not to be outdone, the pro-commonwealth Popular Democratic Party held its own rally at El Morro fortress in San Juan to celebrate the 46th anniversary of the creation of the commonwealth.

    As many as 100,000 people were expected to show up in Guanica, a sleepy southern coast town renowned for its beautiful beaches and unusual dry forest, and merchants were expecting an economic bonanza from the centennial activities.

    "Are you kidding me? This is Christmas in July," said Sandy Pardo, the 67-year-old owner of the Sand Club, as he was stocking up his harborfront bar with cases of beer Friday. Hotels and guest houses in the region have been booked for months.

    One of the pilgrims was Nelson Eddy Vega, a teacher at Brooklyn Technical High School, who attended the pro-independence rally.

    "I'm not sure if there is even one Puerto Rican who is sure what is going to happen in our political future over the next 20 years. That's why I went through so much trouble to get here," he said. "I believe progressive people should show the world that everything is not what Rossello and his people are saying. That not everything is a celebration."

  • Bantam Doubleday Dell

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