March to Abolish Nuclear Weapons &

Depleted Uranium "Conventional Weapons "


Saturday, August 9, 1997 1:OOPM

(Rally at Veterans Administration (Vermont Ave. & H Streets NW)

March to Department of Energy


               * Abolish all Nuclear weapons,

               * Ban Depleted Uranium 'Conventional' Weapons,

          * Stop the Cassini Space Probe,

               * Clean up Nuclear Waste



C / O CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH                    

755 EIGHTH STREET, NW                                      

WASHINGTON D.C. 20001                                      

(202) 347‑9541 and )fax) 347‑6471             



Dear Friend,


Each year on August 6th, the lessons of the horrendous atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are marked with activities of commemoration and protest. Despite the lessons of mass destruction and the loss of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives, nuclear weapons, nuclear technology and nuclear waste still threaten our existence.  In response we must mobilize and rebuild a world‑wide opposition to demand an end to the Nuclear Madness.


Together with your help we will send a powerful message to the Pentagon!
  Rally Saturday, August 9, 1:00 PM ‑ Veterans Administration (H & Vermont Ave. NW)
 March to the Department of Energy, Independence Ave & 10th St
. SW.


  Your support and participation can make the difference. Please do what you can to build this action; endorse the rally, spread the word to your contacts, and participate. Help us raise the much needed funds to cover the costs of this rally. Join with youth, people from Native Nations, Gulf War veterans and their families and the survivors of nuclear bombing and testing to end these nuclear threats to our lives and our environment.


* Abolish Nuclear Weapons/Fund Human Needs !


* Ban all DU weapons ! A new generation of depleted uranium (DU) "conventional" weapons used extensively for the first time during the Gulf War scattered more than 600,000 pounds of radioactive waste throughout the Gulf region. Today over 100,000 Gulf war veterans and many more in Iraq are chronically ill. Their symptoms closely match those of uranium poisoning.


* Cancel the Cassini Space Probe ! This October NASA plans to launch the Cassini Space Probe containing 72.3 pounds of plutonium to Saturn, the largest amount ever launched.


* Stop weapons development , Clean up all nuclear waste !


Come to Washington on August 9 th and raise these important issues.  Please note the National Capital Area Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance activities on Tuesday, August 5, 6:00 PM at the Lincoln Memonal, and Friday, August 8, 9:30 PM at Lalayette "Peace" Park. Contact Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Committee C/O Gray Panthers of Metro Washington 711 8th St . NW, Washington, D.C. 20001 Ph: (703) 222‑7570, Fx: (703) 222‑9196  with your endorsement .


                       Yours for a nuclear free future ,

   Louise F- Ramirez           John Steinbach

Louise Franklin‑Ramirez & John Steinbach for the Hiroshima / Nagasaki Peace Committee



Enclosed is my contribution of    []$100       [] $50        []$25         [] other_____        

[] l Want to volunteer on August 9

Name _____________ Address __________________ Phone ____________ .

Make checks payable to Louise Franklin‑Ramirez. Chair H/N Peace Committee.

Tax deductible contributions only payable to Gray Panthers Metro Washington.

Mail to H/N Peace Committee 7615 Lake Drive, Manassas, VA 20111