Thomas P.O. Box 27217 Washington, D.C. 20038 December 13, 1991 George Ditman P.O. Box 679 Farmingville, N.Y. 11738 Dear George: After our phone conversation this afternoon: The letter with Ted Taylor's phone number is enclosed. The congressman's name that I couldn't remember is Ron Dellums. Also enclosed is something from the Congressional Record. I've discovered that you found out about our video from Ellen, my wife. You spoke to her on the phone and she sent you some information on homelessness. Additionally, I think, she sent you some information on Proposition One, including the history packet with the newspaper articles that we spoke about, but I'm sending another copy just to make sure. The Proposition One video, which comes after the Ground War at Home, is not the final product. It needs to be edited again. You will note that the quality leaves a lot to be desired there are several glitches, and generational degeneration from repeated copying. The final edition will be more aesthetically pleasing, but hopefully the essential theme will come across clearly. There will be two additional biblical quotes in the finished product: "'Thou shalt not kill. The God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses, the Prince of Peace, and Mohammed'," and "'The Truth shall set you free. The LOGOS; Jesus'." Praying that you find these various ideas of some value, and that you will not hesitate to express any criticism you may have, I remain, in service to a loving Creator, Thomas