Thomas P.O. Box 27217 Washington, D.C. 20038 (202) 462-0757 December 12, 1991 B Wardlaw 9000 Manchester Road Silver Spring, Maryland 20009 Dear B, For all our boasting about how well we have become organized, God forgive us, we have been unable to locate the package you did on capital punishment. You've got to believe us; even though we keep losing -- and/or not reading your papers promptly -- we really do value your ideas on these important issues of broad social concern. Certainly you will have no trouble understanding that, given the prompt and thoughtful consideration you always pay to our writings (not to mention all the other support you provide), logically, we feel utterly ashamed by our apparent carelessness with respect to the manner in which we've been dealing with your materials. Please forgive us, and send us another copy of those materials. We will review them immediately, and get back to you ASAP. Love, Thomas