January 9, 1991 Dear Dad: It is shortly after our telephone conversation, and I am wirting this note to explain the material that is enclosed. The package joined in the paper clip is what we have just finished mailing to twenty-four hundred local groups and registered voters. In order for this idea to work it will be necessary for us to build a broad base of support. Because we are in the District of Columbia, that is where we are beginning. At this point our aim is to involve as many people as possible in the electoral process, hence we are attempting to involve people in the signature gathering process. "Fact sheets" #'s 1, 3, and 4 try to answer some of the questions most often asked about Proposition One. Eventually there will be seven fact sheets. Presently these are the only three we have completed, the remaining ones have been drafted, are still being edited, and should be finished by next week. At the same time we are working on organizing a nationwide network to promote this "voter initiative" idea. We have begun establishing a communications network on computer bulletin boards. This network will enable us to provide individuals across the country with the documents and information necessary for them to begin this same process in their own states or local jurisdictions were initiative provisions exist. Our research has revealed that the idea of a voter initiative to direct national policy is not nearly as novel as we first thought. We have discovered that it was exactly this same process which was used to successfully overturn the 18th Amendment (Prohibition) with the 21st Amendment (Repeal). Thus, Proposition One is not nearly so "revolutionary" as it is a "conservative" political devise. God can only guess what our situation will be after the power structure has done what it will in the Gulf this January 15th. I may be wrong, but right now I believe that unless Mr. Bush deals with Iraq through a non-violent approach any other direction he decides to take will ultimately result in strengthening the principles on which Proposition One is founded. If my reasoning is correct then any attempt to settle the "crisis" through violence -- even the perhaps unlikely situation in which the United States achieves its military objecives within a few days -- will, in retrospect, create the realization that such an approach was not only immoral but was also highly impractical. If that is the case (and assuming that there is no international chain reaction which blasts humanity back to the stone-age), then, after many centuries of war, humanity will suddenly find itself seriously seeking a viable alternative to military "solutions," and Proposition One will stand a very good chance of being recognized as the cornerstone of such an alternative. That's what I'm thinking about right now. If you decide to give me a call the best time to contact me is late at night. Love,