Initiative 17


In 1984, 72 percent voted in favor: of Initiative l7: The District of Columbia Right To Overnight Shelter Act.

Now the District Government threatens to disregard the clear and unequivocal demand of the voters, that "All persons in the District of Columbia shall have the right to adequate overnight shelter", by proposing a series of draconian amendments that will force thousands of homeless people onto the streets of Washington.

For years the District of Columbia has wasted its funds, pouring $3000 per family per month, into housing families at the Capitol City Inn, instead of renovating the vacant buildings it possesses.

Now the Council is attempting to cut costs by punishing the poor and preventing those in greatest need from receiving assistance.

We have come to demonstrate our outrage at the proposed amendments and to demand a more caring and compassionate response to the homeless crisis!


For more information, please contact:

Community For Creative Non-Violence
425 Second Street, NW
Washington, DC 2000l
(202) 393-1909