William Thomas P.O. Box 27217 Washington, D.C. 20038 462-0757 April 2, 1990 Representative Gus Savage 1121 Longworth Building Independence and New Jersey Avenues S.E. Washington, D.C. 20575 Dear Mr. Savage: We've never met. I'm limited to lines in the old familiar media for "information" concerning your present situation. Needless to say I really don't know what is going on. But I do get the impression that have something of a problem. I have some information which might be of use in easing your difficulties. Basically, it appears to me that you are trying to call attention to some sort of a "conspiracy against blacks." While certain of your detractors are making innuendos about paranoia, certain other of your collegues -- abandoning ship -- begin to look like white rats in black rats' clothing. I have access to certain documents which might help fit a few missing pieces into your conspiracy theory. I would be glad to share the information I have with you. If you would like to schedule a meeting, about fifteen minutes will be required to present the essential links of documentation. In the Spirit of a loving Creator, William Thomas