William Thomas
1440 N St. NW, #410
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 462-0757

April 29, 1988

Hon. Judge Flannery
U.S. District Court
400 John Marshall Place NW
Washington, DC

Mr. Flannery:

In all honesty I hope that you did not find the wording of my last missive too rankling. I am firmly convinced that we are in the process of resolving a question of sanity, and I do believe it is necessary to examine all the possibilities with equal objectivity.

For your information:

I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that during the course of my ninety days of incarceration not one (1) individual expressed the opinion that my punishment was reasonable. BUT numerous (many) individuals, including correctional personnel at all levels (including administrative), said "I can't believe it."

My wife, Ellen, tells me that she had the same experience. "I didn't meet anyone who wasn't astounded I was in jail when they heard the charge," she reports. "When they heard the facts they were speechless.

Your friend,

/s/W. Thomas