By Karlyn Barker and Eric Pianin
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, March 4, 1987
; Page B01
Correction: A member of Congress was misidentified in
the article about the "Grate American Sleep-Out" in yesterday's
Style section. He is Rep. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.). (Published 3/4/87)
Hollywood actors and Washington politicians took to the streets -- or
rather grates -- of the nation's capital last night to show their concern for
homeless people who have to worry about finding shelter all the time.
Actor Martin Sheen, who helped organize the "Grate American Sleep-Out" with
homeless advocate Mitch Snyder, said he and other celebrities were there "in
solidarity" with the homeless in an effort to drum up congressional support
for a package of emergency aid for them.
"The homeless are dying before their time, inch by inch, day by day," said
Sheen, his voice hoarse from a long day of interviews and congressional
meetings. "They are scrambling and scraping as best they can to survive, but
they are not doing a very good job of it because they're also dying."
Reporters and TV crews were doing their own share of scrambling and
scraping last night as Sheen, actors Dennis Quaid and Brian Dennehy, Reps.
Joseph Kennedy II (D-Mass.), John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) and Mickey Leland
(D-Tex.) and D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, among others, settled in on a
not-so-large grate at Second Street and Independence Avenue SE.
The grate, behind the Library of Congress, is Snyder's regular sleeping
spot during the winter, according to a spokeswoman for Snyder's group, the
Community for Creative Non-Violence.
But that didn't stop the surly remarks of a few who tried to share the warm
spot and the spotlight -- and were turned away.
"That's the celebrity grate, buddy, we don't rate that one," shouted one
man, shivering at the outer edges of the news media circle that surrounded
Snyder and the others.
In addition to celebrities and politicians, other advocates for the
homeless slept outside last night, staking out space on the ground for their
sleeping bags and huddling together in temperatures that dropped to the
Though one bystander said he would be more impressed if the "celebs" spent
a week or a month on the streets -- "Now that would mean something" -- the
newest grate people shrugged off such criticism.
"What we're doing tonight is just the beginning," said Conyers, who sat and
gave interviews at one corner of the grate. "Far more important than the
celebrity tone of this is the fact that this is the most definite statement
for the least of the least that's ever been made."
Barry, wearing a sweater and overcoat -- and later, when it was time for
bed, a wool cap -- and sandwiched between Conyers and Dennehy, said he hoped
the sleep-out would "sensitize Congress to the plight of people who have to
sleep out here every night."
Barry also said there was no need for organizers and participants of the
event to apologize for focusing on celebrities.
"In the civil rights movement it helped for celebrities and movie stars to
come to Alabama and Mississippi in 1964," Barry said. "People like us can
serve that kind of role."
Quaid, in town filming the movie "Suspect," said he had joined the
"Sleep-Out" because he wanted to help the homeless and because he wanted to
learn more about their problems.
"You live on the streets and you start to smell a bit, and people don't
want to put up with it," said Quaid, who dismissed the notion that the
celebrities were there for publicity.
"I'm not here because of my publicist -- don't put my picture in the
paper," he said. "The only reason we're here is to bring the press out, and
that's the only reason you're here."
Earlier, Sheen helped narrate a play about homelessness on the west steps
of the Capitol. Titled "Voices From the Streets," it featured homeless people
and advocates for the homeless playing themselves.
Gladys Banks, a resident of the D.C. Women's Shelter, told an audience of
about 300 that she thinks of her shelter as "heartbreak house" and resents the
way people demean those who don't have a home.
"Look at me as a potential achiever instead of a perennial loser," she
said. Referring to others at the shelter, she said, "Someday I'm going to miss
these women -- if I ever get out, if I ever get out."
Sheen, who wrapped himself in a red blanket between his appearances in the
play, seemed very tired by the day's round of appearances but appeared
determined to make himself available to the swarm of reporters clamoring for
an interview. While visiting Congress earlier in the day, according to Carol
Fennelly, a CCNV spokeswoman, the actor suffered a dizzy spell and was treated
briefly by the Capitol physician. "He's absolutely exhausted," said Fennelly.
"The doctor got him some glucose."
One congressman, Rep. Ron White (D-Ore.), was on hand to show his support
for the homeless but declined to spend the night on the streets.
"I'm not sleeping out," said White. "I've had the flu, and Michael said
that it would be okay {to leave} as long as I was ready for the vote
Michael, it turns out, is Michael Stoops, who White said was a constituent
who had relocated in Washington and was sleeping on the streets until the
legislation is passed. "He's the reason I'm here," said White.
By 11:30 the TV cameras and lights and most of the reporters had gone.
Kennedy, who arrived late from a White House dinner for freshman congressmen,
was quietly answering reporters' questions in the dark. There wasn't room on
the grates for everyone to stretch out, and a number of sleepers had to settle
for less advantageous positions on the ground.
A half-hour later, an infusion of hot coffee was being served, a camera
crew had returned, and the lights were blazing around Kennedy.
For House Majority Whip Tony L. Coelho (D-Calif.), the homeless issue now
before Congress has a profound personal note: His parents went bankrupt in
1963 and lost their dairy farm and house in California's Central Valley.
"I know what it's like to be thrown out," Coelho said. "When my family went
bankrupt, we moved into a shack."
This helps to explain why Coelho -- the third-ranking Democratic leader in
the House of Representatives -- chose to spend last night around a grate near
the Library of Congress, getting a small taste of life on the streets.
There have been colder nights this winter, but the event was actually
planned several weeks ago, while snow was on the ground.
"Sometimes you find friends in very strange places and you find people
touched by {homelessness} you wouldn't expect," said Snyder, who counts among
his staunchest allies Coelho and House Speaker James C. Wright Jr. (D-Tex.).
Wright got involved in the homeless issue earlier this year, when Snyder's
CCNV set up a statue on the Capitol grounds depicting a homeless couple and
child. It created a minor fuss. Wright persuaded Snyder to move the statue, to
avoid an incident, after touring the CCNV shelter near Second and D streets NW
last October and agreeing to push for early passage of legislation to aid the
Wright condemned the Reagan administration's past efforts on homelessness
as "insensitive" and said that Congress, until now, has not been "quick enough
or insistent enough" in dealing with the homeless crisis.
"We became convinced of his seriousness in walking through the shelter for
an hour and hearing his questions," Snyder said. "We are convinced he's real
and he cares."
For Coelho, the call for additional aid for the homeless stirred up bitter
memories of his family's hard times in California. "It's important that the
American public understand what's been happening the last six years," he said.
"We've systematically made life tougher and tougher for more and more
Americans ... And it's not just winos and derelicts. It's becoming a concern
on our pride. The Russians are taking pictures of the homeless and are showing
them as the way we're treating people."
Articles appear as they were originally printed in The Washington
Post and may not include subsequent corrections.
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