-12- Attachment v: Religion is a way of life. My way of life is to treat others ss I would like them to treat me. While my religion is simple it demands responsible action, and on occhsion, self sacrifices. I am presently in the United States against my will, having been brought here in violation of the laws of this country. Immediately my own desire is to leave this country. and to resume the activities in which I was engaged prior to the illegal interference of the authorities of this country. My personal experience has led mc to conclude that the United States, in pursuit of its own pleasure and comfort, is actively engaged in the destruction of the planet on which I live, and which I hold to be the property of my Creator. To work within the system that compriscs the United States, is. for me, to contribute to this destruction. On the basis of ny religious principles to refuse to nake this contribution. in effese, I refuse the beastlY nark vithout Which one mJy not buYl sgllr or eraZe within this rociety. Decause I cannot buy, sell. or trade I am forced to live on the streets, and subsist. on vhat society throws away. So my very existance is a demonstration sf the manncr in vhich a truly moral person is compelled to live vithin an amoral society. I have chosen 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. as the location for this demonstration for a number of reasons including: A. an attempt to draw attention of the policy makers the effects of their policies, B. It is a place to which visitors come from all over the world thereby affording an international platform for my message, C. many americans pass by giving me the opportunity to pass out my printed writings, D. It seems the ideal place to petition the government, against having been brought into thiis country illegally. If the government is disturbed at having me living in front of the White House all they need to do is to let me out of the country. THOMAS NOV. 27, 1981