Thomas 906 12th Street NW Washington DC May 23, 1981 When, in the course of an individual's existence, it becomes necessary for that individual to dissolve the bonds of tradition and convention which have made him a slave to the false beliefs of other people, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal status to which the Laws of Nature, and Nature's God entitles each individual, a decent respect to the opinions of Mankind requires that individual declare the causes which impels;el him to the separation. I hold these Truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are the rights to Life, Liberty, and he pursuit of Happiness, and placed by the Creator on this ball of dirt called the Earth. I further hold to be self-evident the Truth that, as no Human Being can reasonably claim to have created any part of the Earth, no Human Being can reasonably, in the eyes of Nature's Law, or Nature's God, claim ownership of any part of the Earth. Personal experience and observation have led me to conclude that alienation, and the lack of communication, and fear which it b reeds, is the direct cause of the violence, greed, and insanity which have plagued this beautiful garden since shortly after Men began to dress and keep it. The primary cause of this alienation was sex, quickly followed by mistaken beliefs concerning race, religion, and nationalism. Because Human Beings are disposed to suffering, while the evils are sufferable, i have suffered. But when the technology of ego-maniacs has far out-run their Morality in the mad pursuit of materialism, it becomes the duty of any sane, reasoning Human Being to wash his hands, and dissolve the bonds of tradition and convention which have held him in bondage to the rat race. In light of personal Knowledge that my Creator did not create me as a white christian american, but rather as a Human Being, and that it was not the intention of my Creator that Human Beings be he instruments of the usurpation, of destruction of Its creation, it became readily apparent that to do the Will of my Creator it would be necessary for me to abandon the illusions of white, christian, americanism. This i did on July 18, 1979, in london, england. On October 1, 1979, in accordance with the Will of my Creator, i started a pilgrimage to the city of jerusalem. On October 2, 1979, i was arrested by british authorities. After spending seven and a half months in english prisons for refusing to accept white, christian, americanism i was forced by american authorities to enter the united states on October 2, 1980, where i am presently being held against my will. In the interests of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, Nature's Law, and Nature's God i demand that i be placed on the airplane from which i was forcibly removed on October 2, 1980, and be permitted to continue doing the Will of my Creator.