U.S. Radiation Sites MA

  1. U. Mass. *
    Industry & Science
    Amherst, MA

    Broad academic license for teaching & research
    handles "multicurie" quantities various radionucli

  2. Texas Instruments *
    Industry & Science
    Attleboro, MA

    Decommissioning Uranium Fuel Fabrication Plants
    Decommissioning liscense for unrestricted use

  3. V.A.Hospital, Bedford
    Industry & Science
    Bedford, MA

    Rad Experiments /Broad Academic

  4. Ventron *
    contaminated site
    Beverly, MA

  5. Eurotherm Guaging
    Industry & Science
    Billerica, MA

    Manufacturing & distribution Broad B license
    Wide range & multicuries" of radionuclides

  6. Yankee Atomic *
    Industry & Science
    Bolton, MA

    Research & Development Broad type A
    Diversity in use of various radionuclides / multi-curie ranges

  7. Beth Israel Hosp. *
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Broad medical license for teaching & research
    Wide range of radionuclides

  8. Boston Biomed Inst. *
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Research & Development Broad type A
    Diversity in use of various radionuclides / multi-curie ranges

  9. Boston Biomed Inst. *
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA
    Human Radiation Experiments

  10. Boston College *
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Broad academic license for teaching & research
    Multicurie quantities various radionuclides

  11. Boston U. Med. Cen. *
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Broad medical license for teaching & research
    Wide range of radionuclides

  12. Boston University *
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Broad academiclicense for teaching & research
    Multicurie quantities various radionuclides

  13. Brigham & Women's *
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Broad medical license for teaching & research
    Irradiators greater than 10,000 curies

  14. Brookhaven Lab, Boston
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Rad Experiments

  15. Children's Hosp *
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Broad medical license for teaching & research
    handles "Wide Range" of radionuclides

  16. Dana-Farber Cancer Inst. *
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Broad medical license for teaching & research
    Wide range of radionuclides

  17. Deaconess Hosp. *
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Broad medical license for teaching & research
    Wide range of radionuclides

  18. E.I.DuPont *
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Manufacturing & distribution Broad A license
    Wide range & multicuries" of radionuclides

  19. Harvard Medical School.
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Rad Experiments (K.Sterling/L.Samuels)

  20. Mass. Coll. of Pharmacy
    Boston, MA

    Possession only-other than spent fuel
    residual contamination/other nuke material/packing

  21. Mass. Gen. Hosp *
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Broad medical license for teaching & research
    Wide range of radionuclides

  22. Massachusetts General Hosp.
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Rad Experiments

  23. N. E. Med. Cen. *
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Broad medical license for teaching & research
    Wide range of radionuclides

  24. New England Deaconess
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Rad Experiments
    1965(C.J. Maletskos)

  25. Robert Dawson Evans Memorial
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Rad Experiments

  26. Tufts University
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Rad Experiments

  27. V.A. Hospital, Boston
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Rad Experiments (G.Hine/J/Cardarelli/J.Halkett/etc.

  28. V.A. Med Cen. *
    Industry & Science
    Boston, MA

    Broad medical license for teaching & research
    Wide range of radionuclides

  29. Amersham Corp. *
    Industry & Science
    Burlington, MA

    Manufacturing & distribution Broad A /Broad R & D
    Source Mtl. > 150Kg.

  30. Biodevelopment Labs. *
    Industry & Science
    Cambridge, MA

    Research & Development Broad type A
    Diversity in use of various radionuclides / multi-curie ranges

  31. Biosurface Technology
    Industry & Science
    Cambridge, MA

    Irradiators >10,000 curies
    High activity sealed sources for R&D, sterilization & Treatment

  32. Fernald State School
    Industry & Science
    Cambridge, MA

    Rad Experiments

  33. Genetics Inst.
    Industry & Science
    Cambridge, MA

    Irradiators > 10,000 curies /R&D Broad
    High activity sealed sources for R&D, sterilization & Treatment

  34. Harvard U. *
    Industry & Science
    Cambridge, MA

    Broad academic license for teaching & research
    Multicurie quantities various radionuclides

  35. M.I.T. *
    Cambridge, MA

    Critical Mass Material Liscense

  36. M.I.T. *
    Industry & Science
    Cambridge, MA

    Broad academic license for teaching & research
    Multicurie quantities various radionuclides

  37. M.I.T.
    Industry & Science
    Cambridge, MA

    Rad Experiments
    1951-70(Felix Bronner/R.Evans))

  38. Manlabs Testing
    Industry & Science
    Cambridge, MA

    Source Mtl. >150Kg.

  39. Polaroid *
    Industry & Science
    Cambridge, MA

    Research & Development Broad type A
    Diversity in use of various radionuclides / multi-curie ranges

  40. Whitehead Inst. *
    Industry & Science
    Cambridge, MA

    Research & Development Broad type A
    Diversity in use of various radionuclides / multi-curie ranges

  41. Naval Hospital, Chelsea
    Industry & Science
    Chelsea, MA

    Rad Experiments (R.Mullin/T.Lapine)

  42. Nuclear Metals *
    contaminated site
    Concord, MA

    NRC-SDMP /Source Mtl. > 150Kg.
    byproduct/ depleted uranium

  43. Otis Air Nat'l Guard *
    contaminated site
    Falmouth, MA

    NPL Site
    Gross chemical contamination/controversial Pave-Pa

  44. Rowe Yankee **
    Power Reactor
    Franklin, MA

    shutdown, not decommissioned
    (127.4 MTU irradiated fuel on site)

  45. Chapman Valve *
    contaminated site
    Indian Orchard, MA

  46. Univ. of Massachusetts *
    Lowell, MA

    Broad academic & R&D

  47. Chamberlain
    Radioactive Material
    New Bedford, MA
    Depleted Uranium

  48. RTS Technology *
    Industry & Science
    North Andover, MA

    Manufacturing & distribution Broad A license
    Wide range & multicuries" of radionuclides

  49. Du Pont Merck Pharm. *
    Industry & Science
    North Bellerica,

    Manufacturing & distribution Broad A license
    Wide range & multicuries" of radionuclides

  50. Wyman-Gordon Co. *
    contaminated site
    North Grafton, MA


  51. Isomedix
    Industry & Science
    Northborough, MA

    Irradiators > 10,000 curies
    High activity sealed sources for R&D, sterilization & Treatment

  52. Engelhard Corp. *
    contaminated site
    Plainville, MA

    fuel fab

  53. Bartlett Nuclear
    Industry & Science
    Plymouth, MA

    Decontamination Services(only NRC Licensee)
    Cleaning of contaminated material for unrestricted

  54. Pilgrim #1 *
    Power Reactor
    Plymouth, MA

    Boiling Water 276.8 MTU irradiated fuel on site

  55. USS Gato
    Nuclear Powered
    Quincy, MA
    SSN attack sub

  56. USS Sunfish
    Nuclear Powered
    Quincy, MA
    attack sub

  57. USS Whale
    Nuclear Powered
    Quincy, MA
    Attack Sub

  58. Baystate Med. Cent. *
    Industry & Science
    Springfield, MA

    Broad medical license for teaching & research
    Wide range of radionuclides

  59. Interstate Nuclear *
    Industry & Science
    Springfield, MA

    Nuclear Laundry
    Cleaning of contaminated clothing

  60. Brandeis U.
    Industry & Science
    Waltham, MA

    Irradiators > 10,000 curies/Broad academic
    High activity sealed sources for R&D, sterilization & Treatment

  61. Rayethon
    Industry & Science
    Waltham, MA

    Byproduct Material Possession Only
    Residual contamination & other byproduct material

  62. AMRR
    DOE Reactor
    Watertown, MA
    Materials Research

  63. Materials Tech. Lab *
    contaminated site
    Watertown, MA

    NPL Site
    Depleted uranium

  64. Watertown Arsenal
    Industry & Science
    Watertown, MA

    R & D Broad type A / depleted uranium
    Diversity in use of various radionuclides / multi-curie ranges

  65. Wellesley Coll.
    Industry & Science
    Wellesley, MA

    Byproduct Material Possession Only
    Residual contamination & other byproduct material

  66. V.A. Hosp.,West Roxbury
    Industry & Science
    West Roxbury, MA

    Rad Experiments (Gomez/R.Warren/D.Littman/etc

  67. V.A. Med . Cen. *
    Industry & Science
    West Roxbury, MA

    Broad medical license for teaching & research
    Wide range of radionuclides

  68. Westover AFB *
    contaminated site
    Westover AFB, MA

    NPL Site
    shallow burial/dry site/underground tank

  69. Textron Def. Sys. *
    Industry & Science
    Wilmington, MA

    R & D Broad type A/ Source Material < 150 kg
    Diversity in use of various radionuclides / multi-curie ranges

  70. Textron Defense Sys.
    Industry & Science
    Wilmington, MA
    Fabrication,research or manufacture

  71. Pub. Hlth. Svc. *
    Industry & Science
    Winchester, MA

    Research & Development Broad type A
    Diversity in use of various radionuclides / multi-curie ranges

  72. Marine Bio. Lab. *
    Industry & Science
    Woods Hole, MA

    Research & Development Broad type A
    Diversity in use of various radionuclides / multi-curie ranges

  73. Woods Hole Ocn. Inst. *
    Industry & Science
    Woods Hole, MA

    Research & Development Broad type A
    Diversity in use of various radionuclides / multi-curie ranges

  74. U. Mass. *
    Industry & Science
    Worcester, MA

    Broad medical license for teaching & research
    Wide range of radionuclides

  75. Worcester Fdn. Ex. Bio. *
    Industry & Science
    Worcester, MA

    Research & Development Broad type A
    Diversity in use of various radionuclides / multi-curie ranges

  76. Worcester Poly *
    Worcester, MA

    Broad academic R&D

  77. Fort Devens *
    contaminated sites
    Worcestershire, MA
    NPL Site
