Christian Peacemaker Teams


March 1-30, 1997

A 700 hour fast outside the White House,
on behalf of 700 Palestinian families with homes scheduled for demolition.

REBUlLD Relationships
REBUILD A Peace Process

From September 1996 until January 1997 Israel suspended the demolition of Palestinian homes to allow for a peace process. Now the Bulldozers are Rolling Again:

Peace is built on security, not on rubble!

Christian Peacemaker Teams, an initiative of the historic peace churches (Mennonite, Brethren, Quaker), offers an organized nonviolent alternative to war and other forms of deadly conflict between groups. CPT has maintained a violence reduction presence in the West Bank town of Hebron since June 1995.

In February 1997 the Christian Peacemaker Team in Hebron reported that tensions were rising and an eruption of violence seemed imminent. One cause they identified was that demolitions of Palestinian homes had resumed in January, with a sharp rise in the number of houses threatened with demolition.

In the Biblical tradition of fasting to highlight our need for God's help, the CPT in Hebron called for a fast. CPT asked me to carry the Fast for Rebuilding to Washington, because of the extent of U.S. influence in the region.

I sat in Lafayette Square behind a small sculpture of demolition and rebuilding. The Prop1 staff gave me an excellent orientation to the customs and traditions of Peace Park, and I am honored to be part of the cooperative community of peace witnesses here.

Rich Meyer -- cjmeyer@
Christian Peacemaker Teams
POB 6508 Chi IL 60680 (312) 455-1199 --

Peace Park * Personalities