The game of Judicial Chess is played without any respect for
Reality, although all pieces justify their positions on the board
by swearing loyalty to unrealized principles of Truth, Justice,
Freedom and Equality. Therefore the game may prove confusing for
uninitiated observers.
Theoretically, the rules of the game are determined by the
Supreme court, which moves only one square in any direction.
In practice the Justice Department moves any number of squares in
any direction without any regard to logic.
The Judge/Fact-finder piece moves any number squares on the
desired slant, theoretically within the rules of court procedure.
Romantically, the Attorneys are the most exciting pieces in the
game. Since the game is played without any regard to reality,
the function of the Attorney pieces, which make crooked little
side-stepping moves in any direction, is to paint competing
pictures of reality to win the favor of the Fact-finder piece.
Jailor/Marshal pieces move any number of squares, in a straight
line in response to order of the Fact-finder piece.
Ostensibly the object of the judicial chess game, as defined in
the U.S. Constitution, has been to insure a safe, orderly
society. Since society is, in reality, insecure and disorderly,
the illogic of the game is self-evident.