The similarities between the founding and aims of the USA and the state
of Israel are striking. So it is easy to understand the sympathy with
which the USA greets the atrocities of zionist Israel.
The United States has its roots in a small number of Europeans who fled
persecution that resulted from beliefs which the emigrees held to be
sacred. These European arrived in a land inhabited by individuals whom
they immediately began to persecute for their religious beliefs. In
their shortsighted arrogance, the Europeans judged the native americans'
customs and culture to be greatly inferior to the customs and culture to
which they themselves were accustomed. In order to raise the "Indians"
to what they held to be a superior social structure, the Europeans
destroyed their native customs and culture by supplanting native law
with their own alien law.
When the "Indians" demonstrated continued resistance to European en-
lightenment, the well-bred, civilized, intelligent European "christians"
gleefully resorted to genocide and concentration camps as final
solutions to help the "redskins" see the light of human greatness.
Zionism is to Judaism as nazism is to Christianity. Ironically, the
zionist movement began impacting Palestine during the same period that
nazism began sweeping central Europe. For nearly two thousand years
Jews and Palestinian Arabs had lived side by side in peace. As more and
more zionists fled religious and cultural persecution in Europe, they
discovered more and more reasons for discriminating against the culture
and religion indigenous to the land in which they sought refuge. The
zionists, well versed in the black arts of dictating policy and
controlling people, realized that he who makes the rules is king,
director of society, and dictator of culture. History shows, without
exception, that the unwise always seek to establish their "right" to
make the rules through violence and coercion. The zionists have proven
no historical exception. They employed violence and coercion not only
against the Arabs whose land had been opened to them by the British;
they also used terrorist tactics against the British.
Any arrogant group suffering the collective delusion of Master Racism
needs another group of whom they can pretend to be master. It is
indispensible to the elitist philosophy to have a race of inferior
flunkies to push around, perform the menial tasks, and generally remind
them of their own "superiority." Even elitist bullies are intelligent
enough to realize that if there are too many flunkies, the flunkies will
eventually reach a saturation point at which they will arise and knock
the bullies back into reality.
The zionists saw the need to thin out the Palestinian population; which
is just what they did. Today the zionists seem rather surprised and
resentful that the Palestinians are still resisting their efforts to
establish zionist pleasure, comfort, and racial supremacy through
genocide, oppression, and disenfranchisement.
Why shouldn't Israel follow the example of the USA? Americans still
have the upper hand after hundreds of years for stealing from the native
population. Why assume the Israelis should be less successful thieves?
Time is not yet ended. Therefore, it should not be concluded that the
USA has totally escaped Karma. We will simply have to wait until the
mushroom cloud clears before we can judge for certain whether or not
criminal genocide pays.