The worship of idols is idolatry; the worship of books is biblotry. Much of the present confusion and misunderstanding among people who call themselves "christians" is due to a mistaken belief that the Bible is infallible. This explains why certain sects of "christians" squabble over the precise meaning of different passages, while members of other sects shoot each other.

Anyone with the patience to look for oneself and think about what one sees must be convinced that the Bible is not "infallible." "Infallible" means "without error." It is always good to define terms. Words may sound beautiful, and in the hands of priests and politicians may be used to stir unthinking people to very un-Christlike behavior, yet may still be meaningless. And meaningless words are of far less value to honest people than earrings are to the North Pole.

One quite obvious error, if not an example of outright fabrication, is the geneology of Jesus found in the first chapter of Matthew and the third chapter of Luke. Of almost no consequence is the fact that the account in Matthew only goes as far back as Abraham, while Luke takes it clear back to Adam. However, Matthew goes on to say that the number of generations between Abraham and David, and those between David and the Captivity, and then from the Captivity to Jesus, are each fourteen. Sure enough, if you count Matthew's generations the intervals do indeed total fourteen. However, count Luke's generations, and you'll find that he disagrees. Not only does Luke dispute the number of generations, but he also argues about who was in the generations between David and Jesus.

Members of the Infallible Book Cult often try to insist that one account is the geneology of Joseph while the other is that of Mary. This may be correct, but unfortunately for the Cultists, this explanation is only possible if their book is in error. Luke 3:23 clearly states, "Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph which was the son of Heli," while Matthew l:l6 claims, "Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus." While Luke's account implies that Joseph was not Jesus' father, but, from what is written both accounts trace the lineage of Joseph, and neither that of Mary.

Since "christians" love to argue about words, let us turn to figures which, it is said, do not lie.

The 2nd chapter of Ezra and the 7th chapter of Nehemiah both contain a list of the number of the Children of Israel who were allowed by Nebuchadnezzar to return to the Promised Land to rebuild Jerusalem. While the names in the lists are nearly identical, by some quirk of fallibility the numbers are nearly as different as Yin and Yang. Not only that, but both lists end by saying that the total number of children was 42,360. Take the time to add up the numbers of Ezra and Nehemiah and discover that the sums are quite different, and neither is anywhere near 42,360.

"Clearly a scribal error," say the "christian" Cultists. Maybe so, but a scribal error is an error nonetheless, and one error in an "Infallible" Book is one too many. If one scribal error, why not a hundred, or a thousand? How, pray tell, can one infallibly detect scribal errors? It is easy enough to see a difference in numbers, but how does one tell if a scribe accidentally wrote "always" when he was supposed to write "sometimes" or "never"? And how about translation errors?

Wisdom is very difficult to teach, even through experience, and nearly impossible to learn vicariously; however, the Bible makes a miraculous attempt at doing just that. One mustn't blame the book if the fool takes the figurative for the literal.