Thomas v US, CA 84-3552



In his Second Declaration, filed September 22, 1986, William Thomas has stated that by his reckoning, he has been arrested twenty-five (25) times since 1987 for performing symbolic acts in his demonstration activities. He claims only seven (7) arrests have resulted in convictions. In our review of the court file, including copies of documents produced, we have compiled the following chronology of arrests, charges and dispositions. Where we have indicated "unknown", this means that we were unable to determine from the court record and the documents on file what happened to the damage, Further, there may be other arrests not reflected in our effort to glean this information from the court file. Thus, this listing may not be fully complete and Mr. Thomas is granted leave to supplement this listing, if there are in fact other arrests which he claims are relevant to his claims in this case.

Date                     Allegations/Charges                 Disposition
July 6, 1981             Camping                               Dismissed
November 27, 1981        Camping                               Dismissed
December 7, 1981         Camping                               Convicted
December 10, 1981        Camping                               Unknown
December 12, 1981        Unlawful entry                        Dismissed
December 25, 1981        Disorderly conduct (creating a        Convicted
                         nuisance under 36 C. F. R. S 50.25
                         and D. C. Code)
June 13, 1982            Maintaining unlawful structure        Dismissed
June 17, 1982            Camping                               Unknown
November 11, 1982        Camping and unlawful structure        Dismissed
December 7, 1982         Camping                               Unknown


March 11, 1983           Arson, destruction of property        Convicted 
March 13, 1983           Maintaining unlawful structure        Dismissed
March 15, 1983           Disorderly conduct                    Unkown 
March 17, 1983           Maintaining unlawful structure        Unknown
April 27, 1983           Demonstration without a permit        Unknown 
                         for signs, 36 C. F. R. § 50.19
May 5, 1983              Unlawful entry                        Dismissed 
May 11, 1983             Destruction of property               Convicted 
July 25, 1983            Maintaining unlawful structure        Unknown
September 24, 1983       Camping and injury to property        Unknown  
                         under 36 C. F. R. § 50.7 and 50.27
January 31, 1984         Camping, 36 C. F. R. § 50.27          Unknown
June 6, 1984             Camping, 36 C. F. R. § 50.27,         Acquitted
                         disorderly conduct, assault on
                         federal officer
June 23,·1984            Camping, 36 C. F. R. § 50.27 (a),     Acquitted                          storage, 36 C. F. R. § 50.07
October 10, 1984         Damage to property                    Convicted                          (General injury to a tree under
                         36 C. F. R. § 50.10 (a)(c)).
                         Placing attachments to trees and
                         resisting arrest under 18 U. S. C.
                         § 111.
November 18, 1985        Disorderly conduct                    Dismissed



Some Isolated Incidents Alleged by Plaintiff not Involving Arrests Relevant to This Motion for Summary Judgment:

Date             Allegations/Charges

June 21, 1981    USPP Private Jack Guentz allegedly unlawfully confiscated
                 two of Mr. Thomas' protest signs.

Nov. 15, 1981    Mr. William Thomas and some associates were allegedly
                 photographed on the White House sidewalk by officers and                  agents of the U. S. Park Police, allegedly at the                         request of the Solicitor's Office.

Dec. 25, 1981    Mr. William Thomas was arrested after staging a
                 demonstration to protest his allegedly unlawful repeated                  arrests by USPP officers. Although he does not contest                    the validity of this arrest, Mr. Thomas claims that
                 officers and agents of the U. S. Secret Service                           intentionally and falsely reported to the media that he                   had been taken to St. Elizabeth's hospital for mental
                 observation. Mr. Thomas further alleges that federal                      agents proceeded to process him slowly so that he would                   be held in custody for thirty-six (36) hours until his
                 eventual release on December 27, 1981.

May, 1984        USPP Officer Haynes allegedly threatened Mr. Thomas with
                 unlawful arrest during the last week of May 1984.

Oct. 15, 1984    Allegedly and without probable cause defendant's agents
                 destroyed Mr. Thomas' signs.

May 9, 1985      Defendants allegedly and unlawfully confiscated
                 Mr. Thomas' NPS-permitted mobile speaker's platform in   
                 Lafayette Park.

June 8, 1985     Defendant's agents again allegedly confiscated without
                 probable cause a protest banner which Mr. Thomas claims  
                 was within C. F. R. regulations.

Case Listing --- Proposition One ---- Peace Park