June 12, 1984, Note: Handwritten,

To: Paul Leder

From: Rich Klein

Re: William Thomas and Ellen Benjamin Thomas

I accompanied William Thomas and Ellen Benjamin Thoas to the US Park Service location at 515 New York Ave.

A Mr. Thomas with the Park Service verified that the Prk Police had received a 35 mm Chinon Camera from William Thomas and Ellen Benjamin Thomas but that it could not be found and had been lost. I instructed him to make a notation. The inventory forms that William Thomas and Ellen Benjamin Thomas' camera had been received by the Park Police but had not been returned to the Thomas'. He made the notation and William Thomas signed the form allowing to pick up his property from the Park Service.

On the inventory forms, all items received by the Park Police, but not released to the Thomas', were circled. These were clothing and paint. All items circled were being held for evidence. Also on inventory forms, all items received by the Park Service that could not be found by them today were underlined. Mr. Thomas of the Park Service said many of the underlined items may have been misplaced or thrown away.

Listing of Cases

Proposition One

Peace Park | People