
Be it resolved that the shareholders recommend that Constellation Energy Group, Inc. should invest sufficient resources to build new electrical generation from solar and wind power sources to replace approximately one percent (1%) of system capacity yearly for the next twenty years with the goal of having the company producing twenty percent (20%) of generation capacity from clean renewable sources in 20 years.

Supporting Statement

Utility deregulation demands the company present a good public image, and the public is demanding progress towards clean energy.

Efforts must be made to slow down changes in global climate so that we can continue to survive on planet earth.

The proposal allows flexibility in schedule for the Board of Directors to implement this proposal. The 20% figure is just a reasonable and conservative goal to aim for.

A one percent yearly addition to generation capacity allows for small pilot plants to be built and tried as the program advances.

Although initial building costs might be larger, solar and wind power sources do not require the purchase of fuel, which can make these additions to generation capacity very attractive economically over the long term, especially if the cost of fossil fuels rises. The company should look to building facilities that are made to last a long time.

A one percent annual building program of solar and wind power generation facilities would translate to annual additions in the 100 to 200 megawatt range. Solar power towers, wind farms, solar photovoltaic arrays and parabolic solar troughs already exist in other places in this range of power production, proving that Constellation could realistically build such facilities in Maryland and elsewhere.

By : Robert B. Mills,
1233 12th Street N.W.,
Washington DC 20005
(202) 682-4282,
Owner of 90 shares of Constellation Energy Group, Inc. common stock .